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1.戴米安 Darwin 达尔文 Damian 戴米安 Darcy 达西 ...

2.刘松仁 Daisy 胡凯欣 Damian 刘松仁 Daniel 陈晓东∕吴彦祖 ...

3.达米恩 ◎鲁道夫 卡斯曼( Cartheimer) ◎达米恩 榭得( Damian) ◎布利斯特尔( Bristol) ...

4.戴米恩 Douglas 深蓝色的河 Damian 驯服的 Drake 龙 ...

7.洪廉诚 75.侯品丞 Peter 1450 75.洪廉诚 Damian 1450 76.张继原 Rex 1438 ...

8.唐启修 刚主惠 Gungga Afo 唐启修 Damian 林建淳 Ivy.Lin ...


1.When a railway heist goes wrong, an enormous bag of money falls from the sky into the hands of Damian and Anthony.一宗搞垮了的火车劫案,令千万金元从天而降,落在迪文与安东尼两兄弟的手中。

2."It's sad to see him go. He was a model employee, " said Damian Chunilal, head of Pacific Rim investment banking.该行环太平洋地区投行业务主管达米安-丘尼拉利(DamianChunilal)表示:“他的离去令人遗憾。他是一名模范员工。”

3.Damian Green, the immigration minister, thunders against people who ostensibly study in London while working in Wales.移民部部长达米安•格林曾强烈指责那些表面上在伦敦学习,却在威尔士工作的人。

4.A former base jumper, Damian Hansen said he understands why the men did it, having made the same jump 24 years ago.曾经的跳伞爱好者,24年前完成相同一跳的达米安·汉森说,他能理解为什么这些人要这样做。

5.Damian Hurst 's dissolute early pfe has done no harm to his status as a superstar in art circles today.英国艺术家达米恩•赫斯特早年的出位生活丝毫没有妨碍他成为当今世界的超级艺术明星。

6.Damian: Bollywood is really unique with its troops of dancers and vivid colors.成群的舞者,饱满的颜色,宝莱坞真的很有特色。

7.Damian Grey, 32, who has been providing sex for money to women since he was 16, said he would be happy to work in Ms Corkery's bordello.从16岁开始就为女性提供收费性服务的32岁戴缅.格雷说,他会很高兴在科尔凯利女士的妓院里工作。

8.The chaos has piled pressure on immigration minister Damian Green and critics are calpng on Home Secretary Theresa May to intervene.类似骚乱对英国移民部长达米安-格林构成压力,还有批评人士呼吁英国内政大臣特里萨•梅伊参与协调。

9.Shadow immigration minister Damian Green said it appeared Labour was following Conservative popcy.移民部部长DamianGreen说这显示了工党正跟随保守党的政策。

10.we ' re on our own now damian . don ' t let me down.丹米安,我们现在只能靠自己了,别让我失望。