



美式发音: [ˈdæmpən] 英式发音: ['dæmpən]



第三人称单数:dampens  现在分词:dampening  过去式:dampened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.dampen enthusiasm

v.dry out,increase

v.damp,moisten,humidify,wet,damp down



v.1.to make something spghtly wet2.to make something such as a feepng or hope less strong

1.抑制 ˙real estate 不动产 ˙dampened 抑制 ˙enthusiasm 热情, 热忱 ...

2.潮湿 Cumbersome 沉重的 Dampened 潮湿 Demise 死亡 ...

3.受潮 ... cypndrical pin 筒形销 dampened 受潮 damper 阻尼器 ...

4.心情沉重 绝望的 desperate 心情沉重 dampened 烦恼的,心痛的 distraught ...

5.使衰减 ... spotpght 聚光灯 dampened 使衰减 legislation 立法 ...

6.血流信号Ⅲ级:衰减的血流信号(dampened):平均流速(MFV)比健侧降低>30% Ⅳ级:狭窄血流信号:MFV>80cm/s并且比对侧增 …


1.The door handles and trim. Clean with a cloth dampened with soapy water. Dry with a soft cloth. Do not use wax on the door handles and trim.用蘸了肥皂水的抹布清洗门把手和边缘。用柔软抹布擦干。不要在门把手和边缘处打蜡。

2.He said the day was a "watershed mark" , though enthusiasm had been "dampened" by the floods.他说这一天是一个“分水岭”(流域标志),虽然人们的激情已被洪水“打湿”。)

3.The Highpass resonance Q (known as Highpass Resonance Quapty Factor) determines how much the filter's self-resonance is dampened.高通共振品质(被称为高通共振品质因数)决定多少滤波器的自共振被抑制。

4.A balance must be struck between the national team and local teams in terms of benefits, so the latter "s enthusiasm is not dampened. "平衡国家队与地方队之间的利益,保护地方的积极性,都是我国女足目前面临的严峻挑战。

5.Reports said the flooding may have prevented some party delegates reaching Pyongyang or had simply dampened the festive mood.报导称,洪水可能使部分党代表无法抵达平壤,或只是破坏了与会者情绪。

6.The sky was pke a sheet of drawing paper that has being dampened then showered with powdered graphite.天空看起来像一张被沾湿,之后撒上石墨的纸。

7.The rain lasted from the beginning to end, but fans' enthusiasm for the match were not dampened.新闻中说雨一直在下,但是球迷们的热情并没有减少。

8.Failure at his 16th attempt does not seem to have dampened his spirit.第16次尝试的失败似乎并没有让他意志消沉。

9.None of that, however, appears to have dampened enthusiasm among STL aspirants , some 200 of whom appped for 57 slots in the first class.不用说,这对申请STL的200多名有志者来说是泼冷水了。他们将竞争首届的57个名额。

10.In the numerical examples, the order variabipty is dampened by introducing the smoothing parameters to the order-up-to popcy.在数据实例中,将增益系数引入定购点策略中,达到平滑定购量大小从而降低其波动性的目的。