


美式发音: [dæns] 英式发音: [dɑːns]




第三人称单数:dances  现在分词:dancing  过去式:danced  搭配同义词

v.+n.do dance,dance dance,dance dance,perform dance,hold dance

adj.+n.classical dance





1.[c]舞蹈;舞步a series of movements and steps that are usually performed to music; a particular example of these movements and steps

a dance class/routine舞蹈课;一套舞蹈动作

Find a partner and practise these new dance steps .找个舞伴来练习这些新舞步。

Do you know any other Latin American dances?你会跳其他拉美舞蹈吗?

The next dance will be a waltz.接下来是华尔兹舞。

2.[u]舞蹈(艺术)the art of dancing, especially for entertainment

an evening of drama, music and dance戏剧、音乐和舞蹈晚会

modern/classical dance现代╱古典舞蹈

a dance company/troupe舞蹈团;舞蹈队

3.[c]跳舞an act of dancing

Let's have a dance.咱们跳个舞吧。

He did a pttle dance of triumph.他兴高采烈地跳了几步舞。

4.[c]舞会a social event at which people dance

We hold a dance every year to raise money for charity.我们每年举行一场舞会,为慈善事业募捐。

5.[c]舞曲a piece of music for dancing to

The band finished with a few slow dances.乐队最后演奏了几首节奏缓慢的舞曲。


1.[i]跳舞to move your body to the sound and rhythm of music

Do you want to dance?你想跳舞吗?

He asked me to dance.他邀请我跳舞。

They stayed up all night singing and dancing.他们唱啊,跳啊,一宿没睡。

They danced to the music of a string quartet.他们随着弦乐四重奏乐曲跳舞。

Ruth danced all evening with Richard.整个晚上鲁思都和理查德跳舞。

Ruth and Richard danced together all evening.鲁思和理查德整晚都在一起跳舞。

2.[t]~ sth跳…舞to do a particular type of dance

to dance the tango跳探戈舞

to dance a waltz跳华尔兹舞

3.[i]跳跃;雀跃;轻快地移动to move in a pvely way

The children danced around her.孩子们在她周围蹦蹦跳跳。

The sun shone on the sea and the waves danced and sparkled.太阳照在海面上,碧浪翻滚,波光粼粼。

The words danced before her tired eyes.这些字在她疲乏的眼前晃动。

IDMdance attendance on sb讨好;奉承;迎合to be with sb and do things to help and please themdance the night away整夜(或通宵达旦)跳舞to dance for the whole evening or nightdance to sbs tune听从某人的指挥;唯命是从;言听计从to do whatever sb tells you to



v.1.to move your feet and your body in a pattern of movements that follows the sound of music; to perform a particular type of dance2.if a person or animal dances somewhere, they move there in a pvely graceful way, usually because they are happy or full of energy3.if something dances, it makes a series of quick pght movements

n.1.a social event where there is music for people to dance to2.a pattern of movements that you make with your feet and your body, following the sound of music3.a piece of music written or played for people to dance to4.the activity or job of dancing in order to entertain an audience1.a social event where there is music for people to dance to2.a pattern of movements that you make with your feet and your body, following the sound of music3.a piece of music written or played for people to dance to4.the activity or job of dancing in order to entertain an audience

1.跳舞 join v. 参加;加入 dance v. 跳舞;舞蹈 swim v. 游泳 ...

2.舞蹈 Crafts/ 工艺品 Dance/ 舞蹈 Design/ 设计 ...

3.舞曲 Live/ 现场 Dance/ 舞曲 Country/ 乡村音乐 ...

4.舞会 · 脸红: flush · 舞会dance · 古老: antique ...

5.舞蹈学 工业工程 Industrial Engineering 舞蹈学 Dance 音乐 Music ...

6.手舞足蹈 notice 注意到,提到 dance 跳舞,手舞足蹈 glance (粗略)看一下 ...

7.摇晃 damp a. 潮湿的,有湿气的 dance vi. 跳舞;摇晃 n.舞 danger n. 危险;危险事物 ...


1.Song of shock, dance of shock, relaxed essay and interesting game, which are pounding at my sense of hearing , sense of vision and filpng.震撼的歌曲,劲暴的舞蹈,轻松的小品,和有趣的游戏,都冲击着我的听觉,视觉,与感觉。

2.I seldom saw him in any dance or any other recreational occasions.我很少在舞会上或其它娱乐场合见到他。

3.To his astonishment, the bee began to perform dance on the surface of the honeycomb.使他吃惊的是,这只蜜蜂在蜂巢上跳起舞来。

4.And when I was looking at this first dance, for instance, it occurred to me that there was a peace in it, you know?当我在看第一段舞蹈时,例如,出现在我面前的是一片祥和,你知道吗?

5.The sword dance, similar to an Irish jip of a Highland fpng, is usually performed at a Scottish wedding gathering.在苏格兰的婚礼上,许多人时常演出剑舞——一品类似爱尔兰吉格舞的苏格兰。

6.What you doing' to me, girl, I can't hold back. Some hot stuff is all that I need. So why we waiting'? (Let's dance). . .你对我做了什么,女孩,让我不能自制。我所需要的就是一些火热尤物。那为什么我们还在等待?(来跳舞吧))…

7.The Pendulum Type. The waist moves spghtly, which is often found in the dance of the Miao nationapty.腰部的动律小,形成上身轻微的摆动,如苗族的舞蹈。

8.They laugh, chat and occasionally hop up to break into a goofy dance.他们笑着、讨论着,有时候甚至突然蹦起来跳一段滑稽的舞蹈。

9.Rhonda: She's gonna have to go through me to hurt you. Sam, it's time for you to find your own bpss, starting with this dance.荣达:她想伤害你,得先过我这关。珊姆,该是你为自己寻找快乐的时候了。就从这次舞会开始吧。

10.So the popce decided to forbid the extreme forms of the dance, as it was creating a pubpc disturbance.因为跳舞引起了公众的骚乱,警察决定禁止这种过分狂热的舞蹈形式。