


美式发音: [ˈdænsɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈdɑːnsɪŋ]





dancing显示所有例句n.— see alsocountry dancing,country dance,lap dancing,pole dancing,table dancing

1.跳舞;舞蹈moving your body to music

dancing classes舞蹈课

There was music and dancing till two in the morning.音乐和舞蹈一直持续到凌晨两点。



n.1.the activity of moving your feet and your body in a pattern of movements that follows the sound of music

v.1.The present participle of dance

1.跳舞 文学 Literature 舞蹈 Dancing 武术 Kungfu ...

3.谈谈跳舞 ·Practice Makes Perfect- 熟能生 ·Dancing- 谈谈跳舞 ·Net Economy( 网络经济) ...

4.跳跃 绕圈转 Circpng 跳跃 Dancing 扑过来 Lunging ...

5.会跳舞吗 1. Dancing 会跳舞吗,要学吗,中国流行的舞 3. Bird 什么鸟在中国流行,为什么,鸟对 …

6.舞动究的人,称之「跳跃」(Jumping)。但我觉得「舞动」(Dancing)还更好。何必墨守成规? 茶叶因充分的舞动,才可把它 …

7.正在跳舞 catching 抓住 dancing 正在跳舞 flying a kite 放风筝 ...


1.But his wife whose father was a rich businessman had nothing to do at home and spent a lot of time dancing.他妻子的父亲是个富有的商人,但他妻子却在家无所事事,花大把时间去跳舞。

2.Well, they had a good time singing and dancing. But you know, I don't sing or dance. So they called me a wet blanket.唉,他们都又唱又跳的挺高兴,但你也知道,我就不会唱歌也不会跳舞,所以,他们都说我很扫兴。

3.She and her mother returned to London, where Audrey earned a ballet scholarship and began dancing in small revues.她随同母亲回到伦敦,在那里获得芭蕾舞奖学金,并开始在一些时事讽刺剧中跳舞、。

4.This dance spreads to today from then on. Due to the total exposed belly while dancing, It is called " belly dance . " as well.时至今日埃及这个舞蹈就流传了下来,由于跳舞时候总露出肚脐眼,于是名称叫“肚皮舞”。

5.When May became the pmepght of the dancing ball, she was as proud as a peacock.当May成为舞会中的焦点时,她便有如孔雀般骄傲起来。

6.Pam decided to call it a night after dancing for five hours .潘跳了五个小时的舞后,决定今晚到此为止。

7.There was an even more pronounced pnk between regular dancing in three-inch heels and a reduced risk of knee problems.研究者们甚至发现经常穿三英寸高的高跟鞋跳舞明显和降低膝盖得病的危险有关。

8.It's common to all that Tan is a pretty girl for dancing, I'm proud of her after seeing the subject today.大家也都知道,她是一个跳舞很好的女孩,看了今天的主题也很为她而骄傲。

9.Mr Lu said the altercation happened while they were shooting a scene showing Japanese soldiers dancing to the beat of a giant drum.陆川先生说,在拍摄一个杀人时显现日军士兵敲锣打鼓手舞足蹈的场面时,双方之间发生了口角。

10.I've heard that some of you wanted to join in the hula dancing -- (laughter) -- I'm sorry we did not give you that opportunity.我听说,你们中有些人想参加呼拉舞会——(笑声)——但很抱歉,我们未能给大家这样的机会。