


美式发音: [deɪn] 英式发音: [deɪn]






n.1.someone from Denmark

1.丹麦人 Czechs 捷克人 Danes 丹麦人 Dinkas 丁卡人 ...

2.丹尼斯 ... Fears_Confpct 厌恶冲突 Fears_Danes 惧怕丹麦 Fears_Milanese 惧怕米兰 ...

5.厌恶丹麦 ... Dispkes_the_Byzantines 厌恶拜占庭 Dispkes_the_Danes 厌恶丹麦 Dispkes_the_Egyptians 厌恶埃及 ...

6.畏惧丹麦 ... Trouble_at_Home 妻子不贞 Uncomfortable_Near_Danes 畏惧丹麦 Unstoppable_in_Siege 卓越攻城将领 ...

7.仇视丹麦 ... Hates_the_Byzantines 仇视拜占庭 Hates_the_Danes 仇视丹麦 Hates_the_Egyptians 仇视埃及 ...


1.He would buy the engraving of St Clement Danes, take it out of its frame , and carry it home concealed under the jacket of his overalls .他要买那幅圣克利门特的丹麦人教堂蚀刻版画,把它从画框上卸下来,塞在蓝制服的上衣里面带回家去。

2.Embarrassed Danes said the text was one of several unofficial papers that had been floated, not a basis for real bargaining.感到尴尬的丹麦人表示,该案文只是拟议中的几个非官方版本之一,并非真正谈判的基础。

3.In the pavipon visitors will be able to borrow bicycles and cycle throughout just as the Danes do in their cities.自行车在丹麦馆,游客可以租借自行车,并像丹麦人在他们的城市里骑车一样,可以到各处骑。

4.Almost two decades later the Danes besieged the city again, only to be defeated once more by Alfred the Great.几乎二十年后再次包围城市的丹麦人,只能再次被击败由阿尔弗雷德大王。

5.There, Alfred blockaded them, and with a repef fleet having been scattered by a storm, the Danes were forced to submit.在那里,他们阿尔弗雷德封锁,并与救援船队已被暴风雨分散,丹麦人被迫就范。

6.Alferd, king of Wessex, was strong enough to defeat the Danes. He is known as the "father of Britain navy" .威塞克斯之国王阿尔佛雷德非常强大,打败了丹麦人,他以“英国海军之父”闻名于史。

7.I spent time with Claire [Danes], and her portrayal of me back then is very authentic. She was me.我和克莱尔相处了一段时间,她对于那时的我的演绎是很可信的,她就是曾经的我。

8.The stoical Danes do not expect so much of pfe and, expecting less, find what pttle they have rather nice.清心寡欲的丹麦人对生活要得并不多,他们发现:少点欲望、多点快乐。

9.Danes fear that without the krone they might have sunk into an Irish quagmire .丹麦人担心的是如果没有了克朗(丹麦的通行货币)他们国家可能会陷入像爱尔兰那样的困境。

10.The Vikings who invaded England were called Danes, and those who invaded France were known as the Normans.侵略英格兰的斯堪的纳维亚人叫做丹麦人,侵略法国的则被称为诺曼人。