

dangerous area

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1.危险区 dangered-off area 封闭的危险区 dangerous area 危险区 dangerous articles package 危险品包装 ...

2.危险路段 门票价格/票价 Ticket Price 危险路段 Dangerous Area 游客须知/游园须知 Notice to Visitors ...

3.危险区域 危险标识 warning signs 危险区域 dangerous area 尾绳 tail rope ...

4.危险地带 (dangerous area) 危险地带 n (area which is not part of a state) 中立地区 n ...


1.It was a dangerous area, but he knew that finding gold there would save the company and could earn him a bonus .这是个危险地带,但他知道在这里找到金矿不仅能挽救公司,还能为自己挣得奖金。

2.Audiences knew the history of this dangerous area. West also had the story take place in the late nineteenth century.她把故事的发生地点放在了纽约市著名的鲍瑞区,观众们都知道这一危险地区的历史。

3.It's a very dangerous area when [Kim] does this. It destabipzes the region, and China has as much to lose as anybody.当金正日玩火时本地区会非常危险。它使本地区形势不稳,中国与其他国家一样会受到损失。

4.I was in a very rinky-dink apartment in a dangerous area, and I ended up with nothing, sleeping on the steps of a post office.我住在一片危险地区的一间破烂公寓里,睡在邮局的台阶上,到头来一无所获。

5.The president at the time appealed to her not to go to this dangerous area of the country.当时的哥国总统恳求她不要前往境内如此危险的地区。

6.They had better slow down their speed at every intersection or circle, or any other dangerous area.在每个交叉路口、圆环或任何危险的地方,最好减速慢行。

7.She had to drop packages at specific points scattered in a dangerous area.她要把物品空投到处于危险地带的一些指定的地点。

8.He offers a comment about the global economy: "The ship is moving into the most dangerous area now. "他对全球经济做出了一个评论:“全球经济之船现正驶入最危险的区域。”

9.We arrive in Multan surrounded by a dozen jeeps. We are further north and apparently in the most dangerous area of our trip.我们在十几辆吉普的簇拥下到达了木尔坦(Multan),然后继续向北行驶,显然这一区域是整个行程中最危险的。

10.Departmental main dangerous area, special type working places and poisonous and harmful posts in the section.部门内主要的危险区域,特种作业场所,有毒有害岗位。