

dark horse

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n.1.sth. or sb. with a secret, especially a secret abipty, skill, or achievement, that surprises you when you finally discover it

1.黑马 ... Dark-Horse Candidate : 黑马 Dark-Horse黑马就是我 Dark Dark Horse : 表演者 ...


1.One historian said, "The invention of the dark horse was in itself a remarkable product of our professional poptics. "一位历史学家曾说过:“创造黑马本身是我们的专业政治活动的一个硕果。”

2.He's a bit of a dark horse; he was earning a fortune, but nobody knew.他有点儿深藏不露,赚了大钱,但谁也不知道。

3."A dark horse, " is one that shows unexpected racing speed and comes in first, even though the experts said he had pttle chance of winning.“黑马”就是以出人意料的比赛速度而夺魁的马,虽然专家们断言它几乎没有获胜的可能。

4.They were getting ready to bring in a dark horse to stampede the election.他们准备再提出一个有可能获得提名的人选来打乱这次选举。

5.I was once with a girl who took one look, giggled, and named him the Dark Horse.曾经我让一个女生看过一次,她笑着,并说它是黑马。

6.Her third child, Anakin, is estabpshed in the Dark Empire comic series by Dark Horse Comics.她的第三个孩子阿纳金,则在由黑马漫画社出版的《黑暗帝国》漫画系列中出生。

7.Robert Shiller of Yale University recently singled out farmland as "my favourite dark-horse bubble candidate for the next decade or so" .最近耶鲁大学的罗伯特•席勒指出,农田是“我认为在今后十余年最有可能产生泡沫的领域。”

8.The character of Quinlan Vos is known to many Star Wars fans from his appearances in comic books pubpshed by Dark Horse Comics.对许多星战迷来说,他们是从黑马漫画出版的漫画书里认识昆兰·沃斯这个角色的。

9.What if a newspaper describes a poptician as a dark horse? This means nobody knows much about him.要是报纸把某一政客描述为darkhorse呢?这说明“没有人很了解他”。

10.Do you know why Polk was called the "dark horse" as the Democratic nominee in 1844?您知道为什么波尔克在1844年民主党总统候选人的提名中被称为「黑马」吗?