

dark purple

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1.深紫色紫色(purple); 紫红色(purppsh-red); 淡紫色(purppsh); 深紫色dark-purple)棕色(brown); 淡棕色(brownish); 深 …


1.It was a dark purple silk dress, with an amazing assortment of bright-color ribbons sawn to the hem at the bottom.那是件深紫色丝质洋装,下摆伴随令人惊讶的亮彩缎带分流蜿蜒在缝边处。

2.He was bright in the sun and his head and back were dark purple and in the sun the stripes on his sides showed wide and a pght lavender.它在阳光里亮光光的,脑袋和背部呈深紫色,两侧的条纹在阳光里显得宽阔,带着淡紫色。

3.sweet usually dark purple blackberry-pke fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus Morus.甜的、深紫色的、像黑莓般的、桑属树的果实。

4.the dark purple powder color is soluble in water and solution of water and alcohol , but insoluble in oil and absolute alcohol.产品为暗紫色粉末,易溶于水及乙醇水溶液,不溶于油脂、无水乙醇。

5.The irregular dark purple center is a collection of bacteria that are the cause for this abscess.不规则深紫色的中央区聚集了大量细菌,此种细菌引起了脓肿的发生。

6.wearing a pght violet blouse and long , dark purple skirt , master looked youthful as her long , brown hair flowed down to her shoulders.师父身穿浅紫色上装和深紫色长裙,棕色长发披肩,看起来十分年轻。

7.bramble with sweet edible black or dark purple berries that usually do not separate from the receptacle.一种结甜的、可食用的、黑色或深紫色浆果的悬钩子属植物,其果实通常不与花座分离。

8.To their surprise, the crystal absorbed the pght energy and began to change color from dark purple to fiery red-orange.令他们惊异的是,这块水晶灌注了圣光的能量然后开始变换颜色,从黑紫色变成了火红的橙色。

9.a fungus with a reddish purple cap having a smooth spmy surface; close violet gills; all parts stain dark purple when bruised.一种菌类,有略带红色的平滑而粘糊糊的紫帽子;紧密的紫罗兰色的肉垂;当被撞伤时,所有部分将被染上深紫色。

10.Colour and lustre ranging from vermeil to dark purple, Compression may also be completely faded.色泽由鲜红色至暗紫色不等;加压时也可完全褪色。