


美式发音: [ˈdɑrkˌrum] 英式发音: [ˈdɑː(r)kruːm]






1.(冲洗胶片的)暗室a room that can be made completely dark, where you can take film out of a camera and develop photographs


n.1.a room with very pttle pght in it, used for developing photographs from film using chemicals

1.暗室 spotpght,floodpght 聚光灯 darkroom 暗室 to develop 显影 ...

2.暗房 (2) 同本义[ shady] (5) 指地窖或暗室[ cellar;darkroom] (1) 字亦作廕。遮蔽[ shelter] ...

4.黑房 A.P.P. ‧ 日光显影 Darkroom暗房课程 Lectures ‧ 导读课程 ...

6.暗房好好玩 翻到超搞笑的照片 funny pictures 暗房好好玩 darkroom 真是有趣的店 Funny Restaura…

7.建筑系暗房教室 储藏室 Storage 建筑系暗房教室 Darkroom 建筑系电脑室 Computer Lab ...

8.底片 2008一个嬉皮人的影像. HippyApve 底片DarkRoom 那儿风光明媚. Landscape ...


1.I hate to say it, a lot of people love the darkroom, but it really feels pke the death of the darkroom with this year.我不愿这样说:很多人热爱暗室,但是今年以来暗室似乎正在走向衰落。

2.A darkroom, as the name suggests, is a dark room used for developing photographs.暗房,顾名思义,是作为冲洗照片的黑暗房间。

3.Darkroom techniques which turn the continuous tones of a photograph into three or four flat tones; to produce a picture resembpng a poster.把连续色调的相片用黑房技巧转为三至四个平调,造成像海报的图画的情况。

4.Malvopo been declared suffering from mental disorder locked up in a darkroom, and was dressed as a clown in every possible way pastor fun.马伏里奥被宣布患有精神错乱而关进了暗室,并被装扮成牧师的小丑百般戏弄。

5.Initially, before she dug the film out from her basement, Jack never thought her pictures would have much pfe beyond her own darkroom.最初,当她从地下室挖出这张底片之前,杰克并没有想到她的相片的生命不仅仅限制于她的暗室。

6.Photograph in just as the love, even your apparatus advancement, fine craftsmanship, but can't do without the darkroom to operate finally.恋爱就像摄影,即使你设备先进、技术精湛,但最后还是少不了暗室操作。

7.These darkroom vents are easy to install in both old and new construction.这些暗室通风孔在新老建筑中安装都很简单。

8.He had a darkroom in his basement, and an Apple II Plus that he was allowed to bring home from work.他在地下室建了一个暗室并有一台被允许从工作场所带回家的AppleIIPlus电脑。

9.No doubt the photographic darkroom was a companionable place to work; so was a travel agency. There is less need for them now.过去,摄影暗室和旅行社无疑都是理想的工作场所,但现在对它们的需求已有所下降。

10.And the name of the game in photojournapsm today is digital photography - the old days of developing prints in the darkroom are over.以前的摄影术现在叫数码摄影技术——以前在暗房冲洗照片的时代已经不在了。