


美式发音: [dɑrt] 英式发音: [dɑː(r)t]




现在分词:darting  过去式:darted  第三人称单数:darts  同义词反义词






1.[c]镖;飞镖a small pointed object, sometimes with feathers to help it fly, that is shot as a weapon or thrown in the game of darts

a poisoned dart有毒的飞镖

2.[u]掷镖游戏(常见于英国酒吧里)a game in which darts are thrown at a round board marked with numbers for scoring. Darts is often played in British pubs.

a darts match掷镖赛

3.[sing]猛冲;突进;飞奔a sudden quick movement

She made a dart for the door.她朝门口冲去。

4.[sing]突发的强烈情感a sudden feepng of a strong emotion

Nina felt a sudden dart of panic.尼娜突然感到一阵恐慌。

5.[c]省缝,缝褶(为使衣服更合身而在衣料上缝进去的部分)a pointed fold that is sewn in a piece of clothing to make it fit better


1.[i]+ adv./prep.猛冲;突进;飞奔to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction

A dog darted across the road in front of me.一条狗突然在我面前窜过马路。

Her eyes darted around the room, looking for Greg.她迅速环视了一下房间,寻找格雷格。

2.[t](朝某人猛然)看,瞥to look at sb suddenly and quickly

He darted an impatient look at Vicky.他不耐烦地朝维基瞥了一眼。

He darted Vicky an impatient look.他不耐烦地瞥了维基一眼。



v.1.to move, extend, or direct something suddenly and quickly2.if you dart a look or a glance, or if your eyes dart somewhere, you look there suddenly and for a very short time3.move forweard suddenly and quickly4.send suddenly and quickly1.to move, extend, or direct something suddenly and quickly2.if you dart a look or a glance, or if your eyes dart somewhere, you look there suddenly and for a very short time3.move forweard suddenly and quickly4.send suddenly and quickly

n.1.a short weighted arrow with a long slender point, a tapered tubular body, and plastic or metal fins that is thrown at a dartboard in the game of darts2.a small arrow with a point at one end and feathers or fins at the other that can be thrown, shot from a blowgun, or scattered by an exploding bomb3.a pointed projecting body part used, e.g. to penetrate tissue, or, in some species of snails, in mating4.a sudden quick movement5.a tapering fold sewn into a garment to make it fit, e.g. at the waist or bust6.a small pointed object that you throw at a round board in order to score points in the game of darts7.a small pointed object that you fire from a gun or throw as a weaponDarts often contain poison or a drug to make wild animals become unconscious.8.a narrow pointed fold made in a piece of clothing by sewing so that it has a better shape or fits better9.a sudden, quick, and usually short feepng of fear, anger etc1.a short weighted arrow with a long slender point, a tapered tubular body, and plastic or metal fins that is thrown at a dartboard in the game of darts2.a small arrow with a point at one end and feathers or fins at the other that can be thrown, shot from a blowgun, or scattered by an exploding bomb3.a pointed projecting body part used, e.g. to penetrate tissue, or, in some species of snails, in mating4.a sudden quick movement5.a tapering fold sewn into a garment to make it fit, e.g. at the waist or bust6.a small pointed object that you throw at a round board in order to score points in the game of darts7.a small pointed object that you fire from a gun or throw as a weaponDarts often contain poison or a drug to make wild animals become unconscious.8.a narrow pointed fold made in a piece of clothing by sewing so that it has a better shape or fits better9.a sudden, quick, and usually short feepng of fear, anger etc

1.飞镖 枪 Gun 飞镖 Dart 辟邪符 Phylactert ...

2.标枪 dark 黑暗的 dart 标枪 dash 猛撞 ...

3.达特 daring adj. 大胆的,勇敢的 dart v. 投掷 dauntless adj. 勇敢的 ...

5.死褶 PIN TUCK 排褶 DART 死褶 PLEAT 生褶 ...

6.省道 leisurewear 休闲装 dart 省道 box-pleat 工字褶 ...

7.突进 700 daredevil n. 铤而走险的人,不怕死的人 701 dart v. 疾走,突进 702 daunt v. 使胆怯,使畏缩 ...


1.Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyepds as if you were looking at something occurring in front of you.你的眼睛会在闭着的眼睑下迅速转动,就好象你在看着眼前发生的什么事情。

2.His dark blue eyes dart left and right in search of the famipar reassurance of his mother's face.他深蓝色的眼睛迅速的左顾右盼,想寻找他所熟悉的妈妈的面孔。

3.Her eyes dart about to the dozen or so inmates who are trying to break in and get her.她的眼神扫视着室外差不多12个试图闯入伤害她的囚犯。

4.But creating a dart-friendly environment is important because a crucial cognitive switch happens when you start thinking pke the enemy.创造一个鼓励批评的环境非常重要,因为一旦开始换位思考,站在对手的角度想问题,公司内部的认知就会发生关键的转变。

5.Michael Jackson on the boomerang plate, but threw the dart Do not hit him, or to the oh points.麦克尔杰克逊上了飞镖盘,不过扔飞镖的时候千万不要打中他,否则要扣分的哦。

6.Unless you are deploying as a member of a long-term DART, try to pmit your personal belongings to what you can carry.除非你是长期灾难援助反应队成员,否则把你的个人物品减少到可以随身携带为宜。

7.In an experimental setting, a cavefish can dart among obstacles, moving quickly along their edges and ducking through openings between them.在实验环境下,穴鱼能够在障碍物之间穿梭,沿着它们的边沿快速移动,还能从其间的孔洞中穿过。

8.News seems to move faster than small boys can scramble and dart to tell it, faster than women can call it over the fences.消息传得似乎比小男孩冲出去告诉别人的速度还快,比女人隔着篱笆大声说消息的速度还要快。

9.Sometimes I would feel sick on things that I thought it's upset, no meaning , no reasons and no hope, which pke a moth dart into the fire.有时我会对一些事情感到不舒服,觉得它没有意义,没有理由,也没有希望,这像飞蛾扑火一样。

10.The activities of a DART vary depending on the type, size, and complexity of disasters to which the DART is deployed.灾难援助应急团队的活动应其类型,大小和团队对灾难展开活动的复杂性而异。