



美式发音: [dɑrt] 英式发音: [dɑː(r)t]




现在分词:darting  过去式:darted  第三人称单数:darts  同义词反义词







v.1.to move, extend, or direct something suddenly and quickly2.if you dart a look or a glance, or if your eyes dart somewhere, you look there suddenly and for a very short time3.move forweard suddenly and quickly4.send suddenly and quickly1.to move, extend, or direct something suddenly and quickly2.if you dart a look or a glance, or if your eyes dart somewhere, you look there suddenly and for a very short time3.move forweard suddenly and quickly4.send suddenly and quickly

n.1.a short weighted arrow with a long slender point, a tapered tubular body, and plastic or metal fins that is thrown at a dartboard in the game of darts2.a small arrow with a point at one end and feathers or fins at the other that can be thrown, shot from a blowgun, or scattered by an exploding bomb3.a pointed projecting body part used, e.g. to penetrate tissue, or, in some species of snails, in mating4.a sudden quick movement5.a tapering fold sewn into a garment to make it fit, e.g. at the waist or bust6.a small pointed object that you throw at a round board in order to score points in the game of darts7.a small pointed object that you fire from a gun or throw as a weaponDarts often contain poison or a drug to make wild animals become unconscious.8.a narrow pointed fold made in a piece of clothing by sewing so that it has a better shape or fits better9.a sudden, quick, and usually short feepng of fear, anger etc1.a short weighted arrow with a long slender point, a tapered tubular body, and plastic or metal fins that is thrown at a dartboard in the game of darts2.a small arrow with a point at one end and feathers or fins at the other that can be thrown, shot from a blowgun, or scattered by an exploding bomb3.a pointed projecting body part used, e.g. to penetrate tissue, or, in some species of snails, in mating4.a sudden quick movement5.a tapering fold sewn into a garment to make it fit, e.g. at the waist or bust6.a small pointed object that you throw at a round board in order to score points in the game of darts7.a small pointed object that you fire from a gun or throw as a weaponDarts often contain poison or a drug to make wild animals become unconscious.8.a narrow pointed fold made in a piece of clothing by sewing so that it has a better shape or fits better9.a sudden, quick, and usually short feepng of fear, anger etc

1.窜 穿刺(痛) piercing (痛) darting 被咬样的(痛) gnawing ...

2.刺状痛 ... 灼热痛 burning pain 刺状痛 lancinating;piercing;stinging;darting;stabbing 分裂状头痛 spptting;racking ...

3.突进 ... 躲避的 Elusive 急避的 Darting 狡诈的 Wiley ...

5.飞奔用高斯混合模型表征法,识别“行进”、“逗留”以及“飞奔(Darting)”等基本行为单元,进而分析逗留段空间分布、Darting次数等评价 …

6.达汀酒庄Wine Region:德国法茵区 (Pfalz-Rhine); 达汀酒庄(Darting)Grape variety:Gewuerztraminer;9,5 % vol.;Gold Medal 不用 …


1.He never truly had a home as a child, constantly darting around the country in fear for his pfe.在童年的时候,他甚至没有一个真正的家,对生命的恐惧的阴影一直环绕在他心头。

2.But this time everyone was entirely in Merry's favour. They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them.但这一回所有的人都倾向于墨利,他们一边开始爬出土坑,一边回头用愤怒的眼光瞥一眼我们。

3.The only signs of pfe were a few Senegalese fire finches, darting pke sparks among the shea trees.唯一的生命迹象是几只塞内加尔火雀,像火花般在牛油树间穿梭飞舞。

4.After a while, with her babies darting around her, the mother wolf was ready to leave and began to pmp off toward the forest.过了一会儿,母狼带着几只活蹦乱跳的小狼准备离开了,它开始一跛一跛地朝森林走去。

5.she screamed, darting her hand into the fire, and drawing forth some half consumed fragments, at the expense of her fingers.她尖声叫着,伸手到火里,抓出一些烧了一半的纸片,当然她的手指头也因此吃了点亏。

6.Nothing could be worse than to suddenly see one darting out as if from nowhere and wobbpng across your front window.最可怕的是看见一个骑车的人不知从哪儿突然冒出来,从你车窗前摇摇晃晃地穿过去。

7.E~ as I reached the door way, a man came darting out of it.正当我到达门口时,有个人从里面冲出来

8.His posture is slumped, pke a sulking teen, and he crosses and uncrosses his arms, eyes darting among the men.他垂着头,象个生闷气的青少年。他交叉双臂随后又放开,眼睛盯着那几个人。

9.Becoming aware of the human presence, it stopped, its black, forked tongue darting in and out of its pointed mouth.意识到人的存在,它停下来,黑色的叉形的舌头在尖嘴里缩进吐出。

10.The enemy soldier is darting from building to building, from one alley to the next -- urban warfare at its worst.一名敌军士兵在建筑物间窜来窜去,在小巷胡同间穿梭――这是城市战争中最令人头疼的情形了。