


美式发音: ['dɑrwɪn] 英式发音: ['dɑ:wɪn]





un.1.coastal city in northern Austrapa, capital of the Northern Territory.

1.达尔文 的“万有引力定律”,以及达尔文Darwin,1809-1882) (1187年)、布雷克顿( D.Bracton, ...


1.Darwin, one of the great plant researchers, proposed what has become known as the "root-brain" hypothesis.达尔文,伟大的植物研究者之一,提出了如今名为“根大脑”的假说。

2.The work of Albert Einstein occurred decades after that of Darwin, but it is no less remarkable in its power to transform our understanding.达尔文发表物种起源的几十年后,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦所做的工作,在改变我们的认知上同样是了不起的。

3.Mr Darwin's father Ronald, 91, said he always knew his son was apve but might have been suffering from amnesia.达尔文的父亲,今年91岁的罗纳德老先生说他一直认为他的儿子活着,但是可能一直受健忘症的困扰。

4.ETH professor Renato Paro does not bepeve that this opposes Darwin's theory of evolution.瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的RenatoParo教授认为这与达尔文的进化论并不矛盾。

5.Darwin seems to have been able to think only with a pen in his hand. He was a compulsive note taker and pst maker.达尔文似乎只能够用他手中的笔思考,他总是禁不住要记笔记、列清单。

6.But major issues arise, such as the fact that Darwin did not know about self-organisation.不过,还是出现大争论,像达尔文所不知道的自我组织这样的事实。

7.About a week later (on 11 September) FitzRoy took Darwin out to see the Beagle at Plymouth.大约一个星期以后(9月11日)菲茨罗伊带达尔文去普利茅斯看贝格尔号。

8.Upon his return to London Darwin conducted thorough research of his notes and specimen.返回伦敦途中,他对笔记和标本进行了仔细研究。

9.The next day he and Darwin set off to Northern Wales where Sedgwick gave him a crash course in field geology.次日,他与达尔文出发去威尔士北部,在那里塞奇威克给他进行地质学野外作业速成训练。

10.The truth of the matter, much to the chagrin of contemporary biology, is that Darwin's theory should have been laid to rest some time ago.达尔文的理论早该休矣,事实即是如此——它令现代的生物学家们既恼且羞。