




1.戴维 新象 NEWEL 大卫 DAVIE 光益 KY ...

3.戴维镇apn Garcia-Calle),24日在佛州戴维镇(Davie)被捕,被控二级性侵犯和四级虐待儿童的罪名。

4.戴维博士 The Pangpn Hotel 深圳彭年酒店 DAVIE 大卫木业 SMIC? 中芯国际 ...

6.王凌 Bulps 王同 Davie 王凌 Getty 王浚 ...

7.大爱 谁是七仔 ___Vemt 大爱 DAVIE 卩 s_Some ...

8.美国 ... Greatham,Liss, 英国 DAVIE, 美国 Derby, 英国 ...


1.Uncle Davie: Prisoners were also not allowed to have many personal items in their cells.戴维叔叔:犯人也不许在牢房里有太多私人物品。

2.The Rev. B. Davie Napier, dean of the chapel at Stanford University, says that "no entity hits as many sensitive people as these guys do. "斯坦福大学神学院院长,B.DavieNapier神父说:“没有任何团体能像他们一样如此深刻的刺激到人们的感受。”

3.As postcards grew in popularity, Oakland grew astride, led by two ambitious mayors, Frank K. Mott and John L. Davie.作为明信片大受欢迎,奥克兰增长骑着,由两个雄心勃勃的市长领导下,弗兰克光莫特和约翰L戴维。

4."I told him I'd lost that card 25 years ago when I was pving in Davie, before I was married, " Jacobs said.我告诉他,25年前我在戴维(佛罗里达州)住的时候把卡片弄丢了,那时我还没有结婚。

5.Uncle Davie: That was the prison system in Alcatraz.戴维叔叔:这就是阿尔卡特兹的监狱制度。

6.Uncle Davie: Kids, this building is the barracks, or apartments.戴维叔叔:孩子们,这栋建筑物就是军营,或者说是公寓房。

7.David gave me a wonderful birthday gift, in addition, he threw a surprising party to me.Davie送我了一份很棒的生日礼物,此外他还为我举办了一场惊喜派对。

8.Davie Poplar Tour Stop - Davie Poplar on the UNC virtual tour.校园游——大卫白杨站-UNC虚拟校园游中的大卫白杨。

9.Tell us more, Uncle Davie!再给我们多讲讲,戴维叔叔!

10.My name is Davie Smith.我是大卫斯密斯。