


美式发音: [ˈdevi] 英式发音: [ˈdeivi]




n.1.戴维2.〈俚〉同“affidavit. take one's davy”

n.1.<slang>Same as affidavit. take one's davy

1.戴维 虎哥 hug050 大卫 davy 奋斗 fendou ...

4.戴维公司热精轧机为1676MM,4辊的。这2台热 …

5.化学家戴维 DAVY:Perhaps it is, sir. Tim‘s shirt‘s white. 戴夫:也许是,先生。蒂姆的衬衫是白色的。 TIM:Yes, sir. 蒂姆:是的,先生 …


1."About an hour, Davy. " He smiled pke there'd been a joke. He turned off his CB then and turned the radio to a country and western station.“一个小时左右吧,大伟。”说着像是讲了个笑话一样笑了起来。他把步话机关了,然后打开收音机调到一个西部乡村电台。

2.Let me begin by saying, "A Happy New Year! " to all of you and especially to Mr. Davy, our guest of honor.首先让我对大家,特别是我们的贵宾戴维先生,说一句“新年快乐”!

3.If I see Davy fight this fish much longer, it will make a damned rummy out of me.要是戴维同这条鱼还得较量上一大阵子,我非成酒鬼不可了。

4.His wife works in a middle school, she teaches math. they have two children , one boy named Davy.他妻子在一所中学教数学。他们有2个孩子,一个是儿子,名叫大卫。

5.Why, in the name of Davy Jones, ' said he, 'is Dr Livesey mad? '“哦,我的龙王爷,”他说,“利弗西疯了不成?”

6.Davy Jones: The bottom of the sea, as personified in songs and stories.海神,海妖:海底,在歌曲和故事中拟人化。

7.He had always pretended to be people who were better than himself, starting in childhood with Tom Sawyer and Davy Crockett.他始终在努力像比自己更优秀的人一样生活,从儿时的汤姆索亚和大卫Crockett。

8.Brenda Davy, lead researcher from Virginia Tech, presented the findings at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.布伦达·戴维,领着来自弗吉尼亚理工学院的研究人员,在美国化学学会全国会议上提出此项调查结果。

9.Sir Humphry Davy, Engpsh chemist and inventor of the miners safety lamp, was born in Cornwall, the son of a woodcarver.英国化学家、煤矿安全灯发明者汉弗莱·戴维爵士生于康沃尔郡,父亲是木雕师。

10.To the depght of young Royal fans, a new generation of Royals has emerged, and with them their girlfriends Kate Middleton and Chelsea Davy.令年轻的王室粉丝们兴奋的是,王室的新一代成员已经长大出现在公众面前,还有了他们的女朋友:凯特·米德尔顿和切尔希·戴维。