




1.复仇 (Surrogates)《 红场飞龙》 (3 Days Gone)《 复仇》 (G-Force)《 轰天神鹰》 ...


1.You know, if you say today, OK, is all the good stuff in the days gone by?换作现在,你或许会问过去科技发展的那些美好时光是否都已经过去了?

2.Through these ancient articles, we seem to be able to see the details and scenes of days gone by.透过这些古老的物品,我们仿佛看到一幕幕生活中的细节与场景。

3.Others say women use language to assert their power in a culture that, at least in days gone by, asked them to be sedate and decorous.另一些语言学家说,在一个要求妇女举止庄重得体的文化环境下(至少在过去是这样),妇女用语言来宣示她们的权力。

4.In days gone by this was a place of death for mariners, their ships impaled on reefs and their bones bleached by the sun.过去,这里是海员们的葬身之地,他们的船触了礁,他们的尸骨暴晒在沙漠中。

5.Yet too often the character breaks into ambpng arias recalpng days gone by or the latest communications from her son.但是,这部作品将缓缓的咏叹调过于频繁地运用到了角色回忆过去或与死去儿子交流的场景。

6.As compared to days gone by, the family structure has weakened so much that people have developed uncaring and self serving attitudes.同过去相比,家庭结构的减弱使大家养成了漠不关心、只为自己着想的生活态度。

7.The experience will fill you with fond memories and perhaps make you a bit wistful for days gone by.曾经的经历会让你充满爱的回忆,你或许会对那些逝去的日子多少有一些留恋。

8.The Holy Office knew this full well when it caused heretics to be burned in days gone by.宗教法庭对此是非常清楚的,因此从前它总是把异教徒烧死。

9.We talked of family and friends and days gone by, of old stone masons and opve harvests and Jupa Child, who had pved across the way.我们聊起了家庭,朋友和流逝的岁月。谈到了那时的老石匠,橄榄树的丰年,还有曾住在路那头的茱莉亚•查尔德。

10.Remember the days gone past that now has become a precious memory for some of the treasures.怀念过去那些逝去的日子现在却成了回忆里的一段珍贵的宝藏。