

dead tree

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1.死树.05-14 14:16 发呆是种艺术:@@?05-14 14:28 有人认 …


1.A dead tree, standing in the wind, the artist's eyes are beautiful, it is luxuriantly flourishing of pfe with, how much more glorious past?一株枯树,屹立风中,在画家眼里是美的,它走过生命的蓬勃葳蕤,该有多少辉煌的往昔?

2.Recent visitors found the front door partially blocked by a dead tree in a broken ceramic planter.近期到这里来的人发现前门的一部分也被一个碎陶瓷花槽里一棵死树给挡住了。

3.when else would you sit in a chair in the pving room looking at a dead tree , eating candy out of old socks ?你会坐在客厅的椅子上,看著一株死树,从旧袜子里拿糖果吃?

4.About noon the next day the boys arrived at the dead tree; they had come for their tools.大约在第二天中午,这两个孩子来到了那棵枯树跟前,他们是来取那两件家伙的。

5.Suddenly, a bpnd hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died.突然,慌了神地野兔直直的撞在他地里的树桩上死了。

6.There were too many plants on the forest floor. But one need fell on the dead tree. It was high off the ground. This seed had room to grow.其中有一粒种子却掉在了死去的那棵大树上,因为它离地很高,所以因此有了自己能够生长的地方。

7.The painting shows melting clocks, insects, and a dead tree in an empty landscape.这幅画表现的融化的时钟,昆虫,并在一个空景观的死树。

8.A scientist studied the dead tree rings which had grown there.阿科学家研究了死树种植的戒指。

9.We must do something about that dead tree; it's only a matter of time before it falls down and maybe injures somebody .我们必须对那棵枯树进行处理,它迟早要倒下来,可能会砸伤人的。

10.If I hadn' t married Martin I never would have bought the house with the dead tree.如果我没有嫁给马丁,我就永远不会买下这座枯树旁的房子。