

deal with

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第三人称单数:deals with  现在分词:deapng with  过去式:dealt with  同义词

v.cope,manage,handle,see to,take care of



na.1.to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem; to take the action that is necessary when you are involved with a particular person or type of person2.to accept and control a difficult emotional situation so that you can start to pve a normal pfe again despite it3.to buy goods or services from someone, or to sell them to someone4.to be about a subject; to talk about something1.to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem; to take the action that is necessary when you are involved with a particular person or type of person2.to accept and control a difficult emotional situation so that you can start to pve a normal pfe again despite it3.to buy goods or services from someone, or to sell them to someone4.to be about a subject; to talk about something

1.处理 cutout 删除 dealwith 处理,对付,安排 deducefrom 演绎,推断 ...

2.对付 对方〖 theotherside;opposingparty〗 对付dealwith〗 对歌〖 singinantiphonalstyle〗 ...

3.应付 43 deal 处理 应付 44 dealwith 处理 应付 45 unless 如果不 除非 ...

4.对待 同本义〖 waitfor〗 对待〖 treat;dealwith〗 招待〖 entertain〗 ...

5.解决 cutup 切碎,使难过,歼灭 dealwith 处理,解决 Choose your battles carefully 慎重选择是否"开战" ...

6.涉及 90.datefrom 起始于 91.dealwith 处理;对付;相处;涉及 92.doagooddeed 做好事 ...

7.讨论 ... cutoff 切掉,剪去,删去 dealwith 处理,对付;讨论 diedown 渐渐消失…

8.做买卖 ... 做脸〖 winhonor;bringcredit〗 做买卖〖 beinbusiness;dobusiness;dealwith〗 做满月〖 ceremonyforaone-month-oldb…


1.I should have been prepared to dealwith the unexpected.我应该做好准备处理意外情况。

2.We didn't do any dealwith him for two years.我们两年没有和他做任何交易了。

3.SPIEGEL: Buthasn't the idea of the open relationship failed because it's so hard to dealwith the consequences?明镜:但是开放关系不总是会因为其造成的后果难以应对而失败吗?