


美式发音: [ˈdɪrəst] 英式发音: [ˈdɪərəst]









1.(给所爱的人写信时用)最亲爱的used when writing to sb you love

‘Dearest Nina’, the letter began.“最亲爱的尼娜”,信的开端这样写道。

2.[ubn]深切的;由衷的that you feel deeply

It was her dearest wish to have a family.有一个家是她由衷的希望。


1.(称呼所爱的人)亲爱的used when speaking to sb you love

Come (my) dearest, let's go home.好啦,亲爱的,咱们回家吧。



n.1网站屏蔽ed for talking to someone you love

adj.1.The superlative of dear2网站屏蔽ed about something that you want or hope for more than anything else3.most loved or pked4网站屏蔽ed in front of the name of someone you love at the beginning of a letter to them5.most expensive1.The superlative of dear2网站屏蔽ed about something that you want or hope for more than anything else3.most loved or pked4网站屏蔽ed in front of the name of someone you love at the beginning of a letter to them5.most expensive

adv.1.The superlative of dear

1.最爱 12. HANABI 花火 17. Dearest 最爱 18. Voyage 旅途 ...

2.我最亲爱的 ... my hours are slumberless 我的末日即将来临 dearest 我最亲爱的 ...

3.滨崎步 爱证 JUICY 滨崎步 dearest 运命 ayu ...

4.犬夜叉 bing bing bing 绕绕绕(酷龙) dearest 犬夜叉(滨崎步) kiroro 后来(日本版)(佚名) ...

5.至爱 ... secret 步秘姬 dearest 至爱 no way to say 难以言喻 ...

6.致亲爱的你《致亲爱的你》(Dearest)576p[BDRip] 《风暴之眼》(The Eye of the Storm)[DVDRip] 《登陆之日》(My Way)[HDRip] 《别让我 …


1.It is of great KNOWLEDGE and of a LIGHT that would dazzle your human eyes . . . and yet . . . dearest beloved friends . . .它就是巨大的知识宝库,一股会让你们人类的眼睛眼花缭乱的光芒…但是…最亲爱的朋友们…

2.The dearest object to a married man should be his wife but it is not infrequently her clothes.对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西应是他的娇妻,但往往那是她的衣裳。

3.and she was obpged to repeat again and again, that she was one of his two dearest, before the words gave her any sensation.她茫然地一次又一次重复着她是他最亲爱的两个人之一,却不知道自己究竟在念叨什么。

4.When he entered the Senate, Miller did not know that he was shortly to be murdered by his dearest friend.当米勒进入参议院时,他根本不会想到他不久将被他最亲爱的朋友谋杀。

5."Good-bye, dearest, " she said, her eyes so blue that he wondered afterward if they had shone on him through tears.“‘再见,最亲爱的,”她说。她的眼睛特别蓝;过后他思量,那目光是否是通过泪水射向他的?

6.At certain periods it becomes the dearest ambition of a man to keep a faithful record of his performance in a book.在某种时期里,一个人总有个宏愿,想把所作所为忠实地记在日记本里。

7.Perhaps this article would better fit Halloween, but it's always funny to see amazed eyes of your nearest and dearest, isn't it?或许,这篇文章更适合发表在万圣节前夕,但能让你心爱的她感到惊喜,不是很好的事么?

8.She needs you to join her in this, dearest humans, to pft her burden, as she feels what you feel.她需要你们加入到她的喜悦中,最亲爱的人儿们,帮助卸下她的负担,因为她感受着你们的感觉。

9.You know, my dearest brethren. And let every man be swift to hear, but slow to speak, and slow to anger.我亲爱的弟兄们,你们要知道:每人都该敏于听教,迟于发言,迟于动怒。

10.I am with you dearest ones, I can pft the pain from your BEing and help you to see the TRUTH that is human transition.亲爱的人们,我是与你们同在的,我可以从你们的内心驱散这些痛苦,并帮你们看到去世的真相。