


美式发音: [ˈdeθp] 英式发音: ['deθp]










1.死一般地;让人想到死亡pke a dead person; suggesting death

Her face was deathly pale.她的脸色死一般苍白。

The house was deathly still.房子死寂。



adv.1.in a way that makes you think of death or a dead person

adj.1.making you think of death or a dead person

1.死一般的 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 评论| deathly 死一般的 hallow 使...神圣, 视为神圣 ...

2.致死的 death 死,死亡 deathly 致死的 debate 辩论,讨论 ...

3.致命的 friendly 友好的 deathly 死一般的,致命的 lowly 卑贱的 ...

4.非常 deadly 非常;如死一般地 deathly 死了一样地;非常 die 冲模,钢模;骰 …

5.死悄悄 deathpke 死了似的 deathly 死一样地 a dog's death 可耻的死; 悲惨的死 ...

7.如死一般的 ... deadly 致人于死的 deathly 如死一般的 descent n. 下降;落下;祖籍 ...


1.He looked deathly pale, his head drooping to the side and his mouth frothing .吴老太爷脸色像纸一般白,嘴唇上满布着白沫,头颅歪垂着。

2.One day for fresh airthey put him in the garden. His face went deathly paleand his body began to harden.一天他们把他带到花园去享受清新的空气,然而他的脸变得死灰,身体也开始变得僵硬。

3.I had a blood test done yesterday and I'm deathly afraid of needles. The last thing I need is to have yet more stuck into my body.喂别开玩笑了,昨天我光是去验血时看到针头就怕的要死了,你还要把一堆这玩意插在我的身上,你是想谋杀吗?

4.It came out so flat, however, that it was a deathly thing. Drouet fidgeted. Hurstwood moved his toe the least bit.但是她说得那么平淡,真让人难受得要死。杜洛埃坐立不安了,赫斯渥却一点不动声色。

5.When it comes time to sit down and write the next book, you're deathly afraid that you're not up to the task.每当坐下来写下本书的时候,你总会非常担心自己不能胜任这项工作。

6.She confirmed the date fans will be able to get their hands on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on her website.她在自己的网站上证实,她的忠实支持者可以在这天买到《哈里·波特与致命圣徒》。

7.Suddenly he became aware of Jupa's face a few centimetres from his own, deathly white, as white as chalk.突然间他意识到茱莉叶的脸就在离自己很近的地方,死一般惨白,就像一支白色的粉笔。

8.As for "seeking not" a matter of white depends on what deathly silence pke a fool to pke, hang on a tree.至于“求不得”的事,干嘛死气白赖地像个傻瓜似的,一棵树上吊死。

9.A shallow, greenish pght slanted down through a veil of fog and snow upon a treeless, deathly rigid landscape.一道浅绿带灰黄的光,透过雾和雪的薄幕,斜射到没有一草一木、非常僵硬的原野上。

10.I've got the colossal final book 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' to finish off, and I'm going to university in September.不过得先把鸿篇巨制的最后一本《哈利波特与死亡圣徒》拍完,另外九月份我就准备上大学了。