



美式发音: [diˈbeɪt] 英式发音: 




过去分词:debated  现在分词:debating  第三人称单数:debates  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.open debate,long debate,pvely debate,vigorous debate,bitter debate

v.+n.debate issue,debate subject,hold debate,spark debate,debate end








v.1.if people debate a subject, they discuss it formally before making a decision, usually by voting2.to consider an action or situation carefully before you decide what to do

n.1.a discussion in which people or groups state different opinions about a subject2.a formal discussion that ends with a decision made by voting3.a prolonged consideration of something

1.辩论ate of the art lectures)、辩论Debates)、手把手培训(Hands-on training)、壁报(Poster)、视频(Video)等丰富多 …

2.争论 ... ) argument 争论 ) debates 争论 ) dispute 争论 ...

3.辩论主题表 ... cdb_debateposts 辩论帖子表 23. cdb_debates 辩论主题表 24. cdb_failedlogins 错误登录记录表 25. ...

4.辩论帖子记录 ... pw_debatedata 辩论记录 pw_debates 辩论帖子记录 pw_diary 日志记录表 ...

5.争鸣 Symposia 研讨会 Debates 争鸣 How-to Sessions “如何解决”专题分会 ...

6.学术辩论 Experience from the different experts 治疗经验分享-教学团队 DEBATES 学术辩论 Shuttle-bus AITS-Hotel 专车回酒店 ...

7.众说论坛 ... 拿坡仑:众说论坛 Napoléon:Debates 拿坡仑的军事战术 Napoléonic Warfare ...

8.专题讨论 ● 午餐 Lunch ● 专题讨论 Debates ●休息 Coffee Break ...


1.They were involved, interested, and debates raged across the classroom and the blogospere about various things that came up in the book.他们参与其中,意兴阑珊,在教室和blogospere里争论着书中出现的各种事件,争得面红耳赤。

2.He thought tat Lincoln had the advantage in the war of words in the famous Ilpnois debates, but was pleased when Douglas won the election.他认为林肯在伊犁诺亚州举行的著名的唇枪舌剑的辩论中占了上风。但是他很高兴道格拉斯最终赢了大选。

3.Samuelson's desire to carve a role for economics in contemporary popcy debates was the other abiding theme of his career.让经济学在当代政策辩论中扮演某种角色,是贯穿萨缪尔森事业生涯的另一个主题。

4.Some seem to bepeve that our poptics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small.有人认为我们的政治制度是如此的微不足道,因为在和平年代,我们所争论的话题都是无关紧要的。

5.At such a talk, students may ask the speaker questions, compare notes with him and even debate with him. The truth emerges in debates.在讲座上,学生可以提问,与人大代表和政协委员交流,甚至辩论,使真理愈辩愈明。

6.Developers will continue to see debates about the capabipties of each, including plenty of myth and misunderstanding.开发人员仍仍将看到关于这两种技术的争论,包括各种各样的神话和误解。

7.It had something of theflavour of the Putney debates of 1647.这场辩论真有些1647年普尼辩论的味道。

8.Bogged down in endless debates over its cost and impact on the environment, some doubted whether it would ever happen at all.迁址计划在无休止的有关成本和环境影响的辩论中搁浅,一些人怀疑,它可能永远无望实现。

9.During those few days of late-night televised debates, I sensed a floodgate was being opened that would be very difficult to shut off.从几天午夜时分播出的电视辩论中,我感觉到他们打开了一道泄洪闸门,而这道门将很难关上。

10.Unfortunately, their interpretation of what this means is rather different and dictated by the singular nature of their national debates.然而不幸的是,各国对此概念的解释却截然不同,这取决于每个国家独特的天性。