



adj. 使衰弱的动词debilitate的现在分词形式


Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.



形容词: debilitative | 名词: debilitation | 动词过去式: debilitated | 动词过去分词: debilitated | 动词现在分词: debilitating | 动词第三人称单数: debilitates |


1. 使人衰弱的

2. 削弱力量的



形容词: debilitative | 名词: debilitation | 动词过去式: debilitated | 动词过去分词: debilitated | 动词现在分词: debilitating | 动词第三人称单数: debilitates |


weakening | devastating | enervating | sapping | draining |


invigorating |


动词 debilitate:

make weak

同义词:enfeeble, debilitate, drain

形容词 debilitating:

impairing the strength and vitality


1. Although atypical chest pain may be debilitating, there is no objective evidence that it indicates serious heart disease, except when due to disease of the great ve els or to pulmonary embolism.


2. The Robert Breck Brigham Hospital, founded with a bequest from Peter Bent Brigham's nephew, opens to serve patients with arthritis and other debilitating joint diseases.


3. In 1938, after performing a hemispherectomy on a 16-year-old girl, Canadian neurosurgeon Kenneth McKenzie reported that it could stop debilitating seizures.


4. In 1988 he suffered a debilitating illness as a result of a water poisoning incident in Cornwall, this led to severe paralysis.


5. The ACTION study which issued in 2004 confirmed that CCBs (nifedipine GITS) significantly reduced the incidence of debilitating stroke, any stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA).


6. In the year 1960, Albert and Haber (1960) distinguish facilitating anxiety and debilitating anxiety. Some people hold that facilitating anxiety is helpful to enhance learning effect;

Alpert和Haber早在1960年提出促进性焦虑(facilitating anxiety)和阻碍性焦虑(debilitating anxiety),认为促进性焦虑有助于学习者提高学习效果。

7. Campbell & Ortiz (1991:159) estimated that up to half of all language students experience debilitating levels of language anxiety.

Campbell & Ortiz(1991:159)估计近半数的语言学习者都经历着语言焦虑的消极影响。

8. "A reliable blood test for Parkinson's disease would revolutionize not only the care of people with this debilitating illness, it would facilitate research as well," notes study senior author Dr.M.


9. A responsible Government should consider all options to tackle a problem, particularly when the problem has been debilitating to the community.


10. A young patient overcomes his debilitating condition and gives back to the community.


11. Over time, if these toxins are not removed, it is believed that they potentially may lead to various debilitating and chronic health conditions.


12. an acutely debilitating virus.


13. Severe diarrhea may be debilitating and life-threatening.


14. However, the resulting adjustment will no doubt affect the operational efficiency of Gome, as the loss of Skyworth founder Stephen Wong's direct control, but damage was not debilitating.


15. Far infrared ray energy has been applied to Waist Support to improve, and restore health.It is a naturel alternative to many chronic and debilitating ailments.


16. Better health also helps people prevent slowly debilitating conditions, such as heart disease, which can take their lives at an early age.


17. Cluster headaches are rare, extremely painful and debilitating headaches that occur in groups or clusters.


18. The high purification of antibiotics from a complex fermentation broth became debilitating in the development of novel antibiotics.


19. Their deformities are usually evident in human form, although they are much more debilitating than cosmetic oddities like pointed ears.


20. They said young teens with migraines, a debilitating kind of headache, are also at higher risk for other psychiatric disorders, such as depression and panic disorder.


21. He loathed being ill and was upset by the debilitating effect of the disease and the resulting diminishing of his physique


22. These problems are never easy to handle. The preferred, free market solution is often so debilitating for the community as to be politically unacceptable, necessitating government involvement.


23. LONDON (Reuters) - Swimming can significantly ease the debilitating pain of fibromyalgia, an ailment with no known cure, European researchers said on Friday.


24. It has been estimated that at any given moment a quarter of mankind is afflicted with severely debilitating protozoan diseases.


25. However, he has cunningly adopted many new methods to achieve the desired effects in order to suit the physical restraints this debilitating disease imposes on him.

但是, 他狡猾地采取许多新方法达到渴望的作用为了适合这种致衰弱的疾病强加给他的物理克制。

26. But it seemed that Karbarrans had a certain sense of fate, and Rick got the impression that it was depressingly downbeat and debilitating.


27. But US military experts point out that tooth and gum problems can be debilitating.


28. But as chief executive of a dynamic information business, I also see how debilitating the stream of news and reaction can be for an organisation if mishandled.


29. You realize that you could actually spend the rest of your days standing aside from the debilitating clamoring of your own obsessions, no longer frantically hounded by your own needs and greed.


30. a debilitating climate


31. a debilitating disease


32. a debilitating illness, climate

使人虚弱的疾病﹑ 气候

33. Partisan politics is often an obstructionto good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.


34. Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.


35. six kinds of heavy debilitating diseases


36. having a debilitating effect.


37. Smoking tobacco is responsible for many debilitating diseases such as chronic bronchitis and vascular diseases.


38. As with many neurodegenerative diseases, patients typically begin to show symptoms during their mid-20s to mid-50s, and the symptoms grow progressively more debilitating with time.


39. For the next few days,we'll concentrate on the antidotes to these debilitating beliefs.


40. In Bobby and Peter Farrelly's newest comedy, "Stuck on You," Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear star as the conjoined twins Bob and Walt.To most of the world, their handicap looks debilitating.


41. The fires also produced debilitating gases such as pyrotoxins, chlorine and bromine, the latter two of which helped to destroy the ozone layer.


42. Using her healing talents in the Force, she was able to cure the would-be abductors of their debilitating ailments, earning their gratitude and loyalty.


43. She complained about the debilitating effects of chemotherapy, recalcitrant insurance companies and, most daringly, "sappy pink ribbons".


44. She is an excellent huntress, debilitating her foes with her arrows and disabling spellcasters.


45. She says she recently recovered from a debilitating illness, but she faced the cold for a Thanksgiving turkey.


46. If a man walks down the street in this city he should move unfettered, without the risk of catching a debilitating disease from some whore.


47. The elder brother is the spoiled one not just for being the eldest son, but also for his debilitating mental disease.


48. It also gave us a chance to shape a new concept of international order even while emerging from a debilitating war and a wrenching decade at home


49. They're declarations of powerlessness, one of the most psychologically debilitating conditions human beings can experience.


50. Andrew Beckett, afflicted with a debilitating disease made the understandable, the personal, the legal choice to keep the fact of his illness to himself.


51. These latest antics are an embarrassment for him and for the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, who came to power in the wake of the PAD's debilitating protests but has testy relations with the group.


52. the quality of being insalubrious and debilitating.


53. To most of the world, their handicap looks debilitating.


54. Fear of success can be just as debilitating as fear of failure.


55. Nicotine may help ease some of the debilitating and uncontrollable tremors and twitches caused by Parkinson's disease and its treatment, U.S. researchers said.


56. Despite debilitating symptoms, patients have been accused of suffering from an imaginary illness: “yuppie flu”.


57. Somewhere in the middle may be schistosomiasis, a debilitating disease caused by a parasitic flatworm carried by water snails, which affects 200m people worldwide.


58. Able-bodied men could not lift spoons to their mouths. (Months later, many still have debilitating joint pain.


59. Of course, science doesn't actually know for certain whether cellphones are safe or whether they cause debilitating brain tumors.


60. Chronic fatigue syndrome has baffled doctors and researchers for decades, because aside from debilitating fatigue, it lacks consistent symptoms.


61. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): Sudden debilitating fatigue of unknown cause.

慢性疲劳症候群: 不明原因的突然虚弱疲劳

62. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): Sudden debilitating fatigue of unknown cause.


63. CFS is characterized by debilitating fatigue and chronic pain, but there are no specific treatments, and the diagnosis is often made by ruling out other diseases.


64. COPD is a chronic, debilitating lung disease that compromises quality of life and can cause premature death.


65. When I was 20 I caught the Epstein Barr virus which eventually resulted in debilitating chronic fatigue.


66. SEN TOM DASCHLE( D), MAJORITY LEADER: Do we impede progress in the most debilitating diseases known to man?


67. SEN TOM DASCHLE (D), MAJORITY LEADER: Do we impede progress in the most debilitating diseases known to man?


68. I hope these efforts to strengthen the financial systems are enough to pre-empt another debilitating financial crisis in the region.


69. I love women, but I had seldom been plagued by the debilitating kind of love other men went on about till it was just nauseating.


70. I have experienced debilitating loneliness.I have been confronted with fear of failure, fear of losing financial stability, fear of the loss of the chance of true love.


71. New drugs have blunted debilitating effects of chemotherapy that kept patients bed bound during treatment or left them with lasting disabilities.


72. Postpartum depression has been estimated to affect as many as 15 percent of mothers and can be debilitating.


73. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, debilitating disease characterized by multiple areas of focal demyelination throughout the while matter of the central nervous system.


74. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic and debilitating autoimmune disease of unknown etiology, characterized by chronic inflammation in joints with subsequent destruction of cartilages and bones.


75. The strength of the yen, which soared during 2008, is debilitating.


76. Those who have experienced sciatic nerve pain know that it can be excruciating and often debilitating,


77. To be sympathetic without discrimination is so very debilitating.


78. Scientists from the University of Sydney and the University of NSW have discovered who is most likely to get the debilitating condition and it has nothing to do with age, sex, personality traits or mental health as many people thought.


79. Thys-Jacobs and colleagues at 11 other medical centers studied 466 women with debilitating PMS in a trial of calcium's ability to relieve their monthly discomfort.


80. Worry about the possibility of less severe, but still debilitating, recessions persisted, however.
