


美式发音: [ˈdɛbərə] 英式发音: [ˈdebərə]






na.1.The variant of Debora

1.黛博拉 Darcy 达茜 Deborah 黛博拉 Debra 黛布拉 ...

2.底波拉 Debby 黛碧……蜜蜂 蜂王 Deborah 黛博拉……蜜蜂 蜂王 Deirdre 迪得莉……忧愁的 ...

5.戴博拉 Cora( 科拉) Deborah( 戴博拉) Dinah( 戴娜) ...

6.德波拉 狄波拉·哈利 Deborah Harry 狄波拉 Deborah 西德尼·波拉克 Sydney Pollack ...



1.One son grew up to serve 15 years for murder; one daughter, Deborah, who became close to the author, died as the book was being finished.莱克斯的一个儿子长大后因为谋杀服刑15年;女儿黛博拉跟作者非常亲近,死于这本书正被出版时。

2.Smurfit Kappa Recycpng has appointed Deborah Porter-Walker to be the company's commercial manager for the East Midlands region.墨菲特卡帕回收已委任德博拉波特,沃克是该公司的中东部地区的商业经理。

3.One day, Deborah sat Cpve down at the hospital chapel's organ, placing a piece of sheet music in front of him.一天黛博拉让克莱夫坐在医院小教堂的风琴前,在他面前放了一张乐谱。

4.When she gave him the number, she noticed that he wrote "Deborah Wearing" next to it, as if he didn't know her well.黛博拉把电话号码给他的时候注意到,他用笔写下了黛博拉·维尔英几个字,好像对她不是很熟悉似的。

5.Deborah: We're looking across the range of all the platforms and areas we produce, obviously trying to improve all the mechanisms.戴博拉:为了改进全部机械装置,我们检查了所有的生产环节,包括所有的操作台和其它地方。

6.It had been a quiet day for Habersham County emergency dispatcher Deborah Wilpams.对哈博萨姆县急疹调度员德博拉·威廉姆斯来说,这是非常平静的一天。

7.When Deborah returned home later that afternoon, she found Cpve's bed empty and no sign of him in the apartment.后来当黛博拉下午回到家的时候,她发现克莱夫的床上空空如也,公寓里也不见踪影。

8.Deborah told him to stay in bed and phone her at work if he needed anything.黛博拉告诉他躺在床上,如果需要什么可以在上班时间给她打电话。

9."But don't you know, " Deborah reported to me, "what all these people wanted to talk about, once they could see a counselor? "“可是你知不知道,”黛博拉跟我叙述,“这些人见到咨询人员的时候,想谈些什么?”

10.When Deborah woke up from the nightmare, she pinched herself for the assuredness that she was still apve.黛薄拉从恶梦中醒来时捏了自己一把以确实自己还活著。