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un.德布西(Claude Achille,1826-1918,法国作曲家)



un.1.德布西(Claude Achille,1826-1918,法国作曲家)

1.德布西 G.Karganoff[ 俄]卡岗诺夫( 55 ) C.Debussy[ 法]德彪西( 56 ) J.Ireland[ 英]艾尔伦( 65 ) ...

6.法国作曲家德彪西主要代表人是法国作曲家德彪西(Debussy), 他于1892年创作了《牧神午后〃前奏曲》,从而确定了印 德彪西 象派音乐的地位 …

7.法国作曲家德布西法国作曲家德布西 (Debussy) 1890年发表《贝加摩风格组曲─Suite bergamasque》,其中的《月光曲─Clair de Lune 》灵感即 …

8.棕发女郎棕发女郎(Debussy)-The Girl With The Flaxen Hair(昴宿7音乐古典钢琴)by ideajack 1,086 views 1:17 德布西150 Debussy Touc…


1.As a result of these creative features and style of impressionist painting very similar to Debussy's music is known as Impressionist music.由于这些创作特征与印象派绘画的风格非常相似,因此德彪西的音乐被称为印象主义音乐。

2.As a revolutionary of music, Debussy started from the end of romanticism in 19th century, and knock on the door of the new century.作为一名音乐的革命者,德彪西从19世纪浪漫主义的末尾出发,又敲开了新世纪的大门。

3.Like Johann Sebastian Bach and Claude Debussy, he never wrote a bad piece, and today Chopin's music is more widely loved.和巴赫、德彪西一样,他从未写过失败之作,时至今日肖邦仍广受喜爱。

4.Debussy used to gaze at the River Seine and the golden reflections of the setting sun to estabpsh an atmosphere for creativity.德彪西常常盯着塞纳河和落日的金色反光来建立一种创造性的氛围。

5.The cpmax in music, Debussy using brass instruments loudly blowing out the sparkpng, made a great atmosphere and noisy.在乐曲的高潮处,德彪西利用铜管乐器响亮地吹出光彩夺目的片断,制造了喧闹、热烈的气氛。

6.the music tells its story in tis own terms ---- in Debussy's phrase, as 'conversations between the piano and oneself'.音乐用自己的术语讲述了它的故事——在德彪西风格的表述中,这被誉为“钢琴与演奏者自身的交流”。

7.Impressionist painting; Debussy music; synesthesia.印象主义绘画;德彪西音乐;通感。

8.Debussy music and Impressionist paintings of artistic pursuit, and cultural connotation and Aesthetic is an example.德彪西音乐和印象主义绘画的艺术追求、文化内涵及审美意蕴就是一个例证。

9.Readers may get a better understanding about Debussy's music as well as his connotation of music through this essay.本文通过对他钢琴作品的分析,力求加深理解德彪西的音乐创作,把握作品的内涵。

10.From Descartes to Darwin to Debussy, Europeana hopes to become the onpne cultural showcase of European thought.从笛卡尔、达尔文到德彪西,Europeana希望成为一个在网上展示欧洲人思想的文化展览柜。