


美式发音: [dɪˈkeɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'keɪ]




第三人称单数:decays  现在分词:decaying  过去式:decayed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.prevent decay







1.腐烂;腐朽the process or result of being destroyed by natural causes or by not being cared for (= of decaying)

tooth decay蛀牙

The landlord had let the building fall into decay .房东任由房子变得破烂不堪。

The smell of death and decay hung over the town.城镇上空弥漫着死亡和腐烂的气味。

2.(社会、机构、制度等的)衰败,衰退,衰落the gradual destruction of a society, an institution, a system, etc.

economic/moral/urban decay经济衰退;道德败坏;城市衰落

the decay of the old industries旧工业的衰败


1.[i][t]~ (sth)(使)腐烂,腐朽to be destroyed gradually by natural processes; to destroy sth in this way

decaying leaves/teeth/food烂叶;蛀齿;腐烂食物

2.[i](建筑、地方等)破败,衰落,衰败if a building or an areadecays , its condition slowly becomes worse

decaying inner city areas衰败中的内城区

3.[i](力量、影响等)衰弱,衰退,衰减to become less powerful and lose influence over people, society, etc.

decaying standards of morapty日趋低下的道德标准



v.1.to be gradually destroyed as a result of a natural process of change2.if a building or an area decays, its state gradually gets worse because it has not been taken care of3.to become gradually worse in quapty, or weaker in power or influence

n.1.the gradual destruction of something as a result of a natural process of change; the part of something that has gradually been destroyed2.the process by which a building or an area gradually gets into a worse state because it has not been taken care of3.the process of becoming gradually worse in quapty, or weaker in power or influence

1.腐烂 decade n. 十年,十年期 decay vi. 腐烂;衰败 n.腐烂 deceit n. 欺骗,欺诈▄︻┻═┳ …

2.腐朽 76. petroleum n. 石油 78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽 79. decent a. 像样的,体面的 ...

3.衰减 Deactivate All Maps 关闭全部贴图;取消激活所有视图 Decay 衰减 Decimals 位 …

4.衰变 衰惫〖 betired〗 衰变decay〗 衰病〖 feebleandsick〗 ...

5.衰退 cid 落+ decay 衰退;腐败 candid 坦白的,直率的 ...

6.衰败 耽误;荒废〖 delay;holdup〗 衰败decay;decpne;wane〗 止息;停留;亦指留下〖 stop;stay〗 ...

7.腐败 cid 落+ decay 衰退;腐败 candid 坦白的,直率的 ...

8.腐烂,腐朽 delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁 78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽 79. decent a. 像样的,体面的 80. ...


1.Giant detectors built to look for a hypothetical form of radioactivity in which protons decay never found such a thing.为了探测质子衰变放射性的假想形式,人们修建了巨大的探测器,但这些探测器从没发现这种东西。

2.It had been used for practical ends, to identify elements and to unravel radioactive decay chains.已将其用于实践的目的,去鉴别元素和阐明放射性衰变系。

3.The only thing that makes sense to me is to identify when a method is starting to decay and replace it with one that isn't.对于我来说唯一有意义的事情是识别什么时候一个方法开始衰减,并用一个没有衰减的方法替换它。

4.Rising crime is often cited as a prime example of mounting social decay .犯罪的上升经常被当作越来越严重的社会倒退的主要例子。

5.The high aid new technology represents the present technical progress which can create remarkable economic efficiency, but easy to decay.高新技术代表当今科技的最新进展,能创造出显著的经济效益,但也具有明显的易逝性。

6.The wind was blowing the autumn decay around the forest, stirring up a symphony of sounds my attention drew increasingly closer to.秋风吹过衰败的树林,仿佛一曲交响乐,越来越引起我的注意。

7.Exactly what has scientists so on edge is the fact that the natural rate of decay of atomic particles has always been predictable.确切的说,令科学家们如此紧张不安的是,原子微粒的自然衰变率曾经一直是可预测的。

8."Radiogenic decay is at a constant rate over the aeons, which can be measured by physically counting particles, " explained Bouvier.Bouvier解释说:“放射性衰减亘古恒定不变,由此其可以通过物理学的颗粒计数来测量。”

9.Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies.还有人认为把这认为是巴斯德的一种留言或者是警示,而巴斯德研究微生物衰变,并为我们研究出了抗腐败牛奶以及发现了狂犬疫苗。

10.Day continued to broadcast on the loss of human nature, moral decay is the thing it is often seen.每天陆陆续续播报的关于人性缺失,道德沦丧的事情已经是屡见不鲜了。