


美式发音: [dɪˈsaɪdɪŋ] 英式发音: [dɪ'saɪdɪŋ]








adj.1.producing the final result of a situation or event

v.1.The present participle of decide

1.决定设计到详细设计,UML就是常用的一种设计描述语言 决策Deciding): 帮助管理者作出决策 通知(Informing): 为了获得认 …

3.决定性的 major: 大学专业。 deciding: 决定性的;决胜的。 victory: 胜利。 ...

4.起决定作用的 ... decided adj. 明确的,坚决的; deciding adj. 起决定作用的; decision n. 决定,决心(同义 …

5.裁决 作出改进 make improvements ... Deciding 决定,裁决 Deciding set 决胜局 ...

6.判定 ... decibel 分贝(音量的单位) deciding 抉择;决定;判定 decipher 解开(疑团),破译(密码) ...


1.How can American educators do a better job of deciding when a child is ready to start school and perhaps even redesign kindergarten itself?美国的教育工作者们究竟该如何判断一个孩子是否做好了入托的准备呢?或者他们是否应该重新设计幼儿园本身?

2.Employees in DC schemes can be at a loss when deciding how much to invest, where to put their money and what kind of pension to expect.在DC计划中,雇员在决定投入多少额度以及需要哪种养老金时茫然不知。

3.That is the beauty with those Web Sites : the choice is yours, you have the option of deciding just how much you say to people.网络站点妙就妙在:选择权在你手上,你可以决定花多少时间与他人交谈。

4.The situation would not be as serious, of course, if the number of people deciding to leave were low.假如决意离开的人数不多,情况不会像现在这么严重。

5.There is nothing to call out his individuapty, his ingenuity, his powers of balancing, judging, deciding.没什么工作能唤醒他的个性、才智以及权衡、判断、决断的能力。

6.He said he would give me one year probation before deciding whether to keep me or fire me.他说给我一年的时间看看情况,然后决定我的去留问题。

7.there may be less haste in deciding the fate of Mr Abhisit's party, determined to hang on to power until its term ends in a year.宪法法院不会那么匆忙地决定阿披实一党的命运了,而是决心等到他还有不到一年的任期结束后再做商议。

8.When you're deciding on new features, how much is fan feedback, and how much is stuff you've been thinking of for a while?你们决定对游戏做出的所有这些改进,有多少来自于玩家的反馈?又有多少是你们深思熟虑已久的念头?。

9."You're a plague, " she said, deciding that I would not be a customer.“你这个讨厌鬼,”她说,并断定我是不会成为顾客的。

10.After a number of years trying to communicate with her through spirituapsts, he gave up - deciding the whole thing was bunkum.在尝试和母亲用精神交流一些年后,他放弃了--认为这整件事是骗人的。