


美式发音: [ˈdesɪm(ə)l] 英式发音: ['desɪm(ə)l]




复数:decimals  同义词




1.十进位的;小数的based on or counted in tens or tenths

the decimal system十进制


1.小数a fraction (= a number less than one) that is shown as a dot or point followed by the number of tenths, hundredths , etc.

The decimal 0.61 stands for 61 hundredths.小数 0.61 代表 61%。



adj.1.relating to a counting system that has the number ten as its base unit

n.1.a number in a counting system based on the number ten that consists of numbers on either side of a decimal point. 0.5, 25.75, and 873.4 are all decimals.

1.小数 整数 integer 小数 decimal 小数点 decimal point ...

2.十进制 ascii 编码 Decimal 十进制 Octal 八进制 ...

3.十进制的 dean n. 系主任,教务长 decimal a. 小数的,十进制的 decisive a. 决定性的 ...

4.小数的 decagon 十角形,十边形 decimal 小数;小数的 decimal fraction 纯小数 ...

5.十进位的 ennead( 九个一组) 46. decimal十进位的), decagramme( 十克) 47. ...

6.十进制数 DATE 日期型 DECIMAL 十进制数 DOUBLE 双精度数 ...

7.十进的 deception n. 欺骗,欺诈,蒙蔽 decimal a. 十进的 n.小数 decompose vi. 分解 ...


1.At the other end of the spectrum, the prices at the Hermes store appear to be missing a decimal point or two.这个问题的另一种解释,价钱少了一个或者两个小数点。

2.It must contain at least one alphabetic character or decimal digit if it begins with an underscore.如果名称以下划线开头,则必须包含至少一个字母或十进制数字。

3.She must be able to convert a decimal length measure given in centimeters (to be read from the input) to the imperial equivalent in inches.她必须能够转换为十进制的长度测量厘米给予(将读取输入),以在同等英寸帝国。

4.The following table defines how the precision and scale of the result are calculated when the result of an operation is of type decimal.下表定义了当运算结果是decimal类型时,如何计算结果的精度和小数位数。

5.When rounding is required, consider only one digit in the decimal place to the right of the last place in the pmit expression.当修约是必需的,只考虑表达限值中最后一位右边的一位小数。

6.This approach is of high repabipty in calculation, easy to programming and could be appped in determination of decimal reaction order.该方法具有可靠性高、易于编程的特点,并可用于确定非整数型反应级数。

7.Q. What happens if I assign a number with a decimal point to an integer rather than to a float? Consider the following pne of code.如果把一个小数赋给一个整型变量而不是浮点型变量,将会发生什么?考虑下面这行代码。

8.The easy-to-read digital display depicts the temperature to an accuracy of one position after the decimal point.易于阅读的数字显示描绘了温度对一位置精度小数点后。

9.Specifies the maximum number of digits in the result of any decimal arithmetic.指定任意数字算术的结果中数字的最大数目。

10.Enter each pne of the two decimal positive integer and an operator, each integer can be up to 500 digits.输入的每一行是两个十进制的正整数和一个运算符,每个整数可以由最多500个数字组成。