



美式发音: [ˌdekləˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.deklə'reɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:declarations  搭配同义词

v.+n.make declaration,sign declaration,support declaration

adj.+n.final declaration,voluntary declaration,declaration open,joint declaration,previous declaration




n.1.an official announcement that something is true or happening; an important statement2.an official written statement that you sign to show that something is true

1.声明 Area REAL;-- 面积 ---- declarations (说明) ----executable code (执行代码) ...

7.宣告行为es) 、 表情行为(expres2sives)和宣告行为(declarations) 。

8.声明区<%! 变量、方法和类的声明区Declarations)%>再此声明的变量、方法和类都会被保留为唯一的一份,直到jsp程序停止执行 …


1.It is possible to define a package in two or more declarations.在两个或更多的声明中定义一个包是可以的。

2.It seemed that all the declarations, true or boastful, of German might have by no means convinced the Japanese envoy.看来,关于德国威力的一切陈述,无论是事实还是夸张,都没有使这位日本特使信服。

3.As you can see, it's easy to create confusion by mixing and matching various forms of namespace declarations within a single document.可以看到,在同一个文档中混合使用不同形式的名称空间声明很容易产生混乱。

4.Excess register declarations are harmless, however, since the word register is ignored for excess or disallowed declarations.但是,过量的寄存器声明并没有什么害处,这是因为编译器可以忽略过量的或不支持的寄存器变量声明。

5.Chinese officials began to declare their assets years ago, but the declarations have never been made pubpc.中方官员多年前就开始申报资产,但申报的结果从没有公布。

6.The words used in these declarations, he says, are often very similar and seem to support unarguable aspirations.他指出,这些口号中使用的字眼常常很类似,而且似乎都在支持不用多说的理想目标。

7.These declarations are to be notified to the depositary and are to state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention extends.此种声明应通知保管人,并且明确地说明适用本公约的领土单位。

8.It is possible to define a namespace in two or more declarations.在两个或更多的声明中定义一个命名空间是可以的。

9.But the declarations made at the meeting did not say how forests should be protected, and this is now being hotly contested.但是那次会议的声明并没有说该如何保护森林,现在它成为一个热烈争论的话题。

10.When developers do manage their own namespace declarations, the result is often messy because of the complexities of XML namespaces.如果开发人员管理自己的名称空间声明,由于XML名称空间的复杂性,结果往往会显得杂乱无章。