



[ decreed ]

n.法令, 判决 v.颁布, 裁定, 注定


This decree has the force of law behind it.


An authoritative order or decree; an edict.

布告通令权威的命令或法令; 权令

By virtue of this act, decree, bulletin, or document; by this means.

以此,特此依据这条法令、政令、公告或文件; 以此种方法

The dictator decreed that his birthday would be a public holiday.



形容词: decreeable | 名词: decreer | 动词过去式: decreed | 动词过去分词: decreed | 动词现在分词: decreeing | 动词第三人称单数: decrees |



形容词: decreeable | 名词: decreer | 动词过去式: decreed | 动词过去分词: decreed | 动词现在分词: decreeing | 动词第三人称单数: decrees |


动词 decree:

issue a decree


decide with authority

同义词:rule, decree

形容词 decreed:

fixed or established especially by order or command)

同义词:appointed, ordained, prescribed


1. He decreed that all nations should be saved in Christ.


2. Three sharks use their flexible bodies to lay out a comma, afullstop and a question mark during a public performance at anaquaticpark in Fuzhou, South Chinas Fujian Province Decr 30,2006.


3. Two sharks use their flexible bodies to lay out a pair ofQQsduring a public performance at an aquatic park in Fuzhou,SouthChinas Fujian Province Decr 30, 2006.


4. After these things, when the wrath of king Ahasuerus was appeased, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what was decreed against her.


5. After these things, when the anger of King Ahasuerus subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what had been decreed against her.


6. In Decr 2003, SEPA reviewed the report of the 4+3+1 project.InJune 2004, the pilot work of the 4 provinces and 3 cities, aswellas Hua Neng Group, was evaluated and approved by SEPA.


7. In Decr 2004, a workshop on Sino-US environmental issues washeldin Beijing.The largest-ever number of experts fromEnvironmentalDefense exchanged ideas with Chinese experts.


8. Labourers install a Christmas tree made of thousandsofCoca-Cola cans on a street in southwest ChinasChongqingmunicipality Decr 14, 2006.


9. US President George W. Bush holds his dog Barney and saluteswhiledeparting Air Force One at TSTC in Waco, Texas beforespending aweek at his Central Texas ranch in Crawford Decr 26,2006.


10. It was he who decreed that Beiping "where the dragon soars" be renamed Beijing, or Northern Capital.

It was he who decreed that Beiping "where the dragon soars" be renamed Beijing, or Northern Capital.

11. "Just as he breathed life into the crystals of Spheris and created Baldan's people, and decreed that the Praxians' should be an all-female planet.


12. A resident writes down It snows with a broominBeijing Saturday as the Chinese capital embraces its firstsnowfallin this winter Decr 30, 2006.


13. From this primitive base, can Shanghai possibly transform itself into a global financial centre by 2020, as Beijing has decreed?


14. A levy was decreed, not only of ten recruits for active service, but of nine militiamen for the reserve as well, from every thousand of the population.


15. Fearful he might accidentally injure a resident, the supervisor decreed banishment.


16. To further insure the Imperial Palace would be given special protection, in 1961 the Chinese government decreed that the entire area be considered one of China's "most important historical sites.


17. Determined to forestall a catastrophe, Malygos decreed that the world's unbridled magic must be reined in by any means necessary.


18. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), which regulates such matters, decreed on August 24th that the ninth planet was not actually one after all.


19. 59. For example, Mrs. Nesbitt decreed that maids could no longer carry feather dusters.


20. For 26 years, a man known only as Secret Santa has roamedthestreets every Decr quietly giving people money.


21. The Son of Man will go as it has been decreed, but woe to that man who betrays him.


22. Man's days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.


23. Since Sherman Act has been decreed in American, economic law plays more and more important role in every lountry.


24. He decreed that members of his court should wear their finest clothes on Easter.


25. Fate decreed that they would not meet again.


26. They have decreed an end to all this fighting.


27. He lives in obscurity and contends with hardship.For him no trumpets blare, no chariots wait, no golden decorations are decreed.


28. The darling of his desires was, to be a doctor, but poverty had decreed that he should be nothing higher than a village schoolmaster.


29. The darling of his desires was to be a doctor, but poverty had decreed that he should be nothing higher than a village schoolmaster.


30. He stood very long and the decision went upstairs to return to building.Destining decreed by destiny!


31. He decreed that at his death it should be split into four parts ruled by his three surviving sons, Ogdai, Jagatai and Tule, and the descendants of his eldest son Juji, who had died earlier.


32. For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness.


33. Though your people, O Israel, be like the sand by the sea, only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed, overwhelming and righteous.


34. He died in 1978 while the World Cup was being played in Argentina .In his honor the FIFA decreed three days of mourning during the tournament.In 2002 he was posthumously awarded FIFA's Order of Merit.


35. Yet what Beijing has decreed often has been circumvented by local authorities, particularly those in more remote regions.


36. Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well.


37. The emperor Claudius decreed that a slave who had been cast off on account of old age or sickness should become a free man.


38. It has decreed that to teach speed riding, an instructor must first hold a paragliding teaching licence and pupils should follow a training course similar to that of paragliding students.


39. Back on the bases, the Army has decreed that all new buildings should be at least Leadership in Energy and Design (LEED) standard, the baseline for green building.

再回到军队基地,军队已经颁布命令,所有新建建筑起码要领先于能源与设计 (LEED) 标准这一环保建筑的底线。

40. About the (Evil One) it is decreed that whoever turns to him for friendship, him will he lead astray, and he will guide him to the Penalty of the Fire.


41. But a quite different reform, decreed by him three years ago, may bear fruit sooner.


42. The Dipper, the constellation called also the Great Bear, does not set below the horizon because a goddess once was angry at it and decreed that it should never sink into the sea.


43. In the north, polar night(6) reigns for much of Decr.


44. The LORD Almighty, who planted you, has decreed disaster for you, because the house of Israel and the house of Judah have done evil and provoked me to anger by burning incense to Baal.


45. decreed by fate; predestined


46. Fate decreed that he should travel long and far.


47. Fate decreed that Ulysses travel long and far.


48. The Lord, the Lord Almighty, will carry out the destruction decreed upon the whole land.


49. For a complete destruction, one that is decreed, the Lord GOD of hosts will execute in the midst of the whole land.


50. We suggest that the reservoir need to supply energy and need to decr...


51. In 1215, the church decreed that a “licit” marriage must take place in church.


52. However, the island was closed to non residents duringanotherkey eruption, which began in Decr 2002 - and didnt finishuntilJuly 2003.


53. After his brother had returned victorious from Syria, the title" Father of his Country" was decreed to both,88 inasmuch as Marcus in the absence of Verus had conducted himself with great consideration toward both senators and commons.


54. 1、Visitors watch pigs dive at a zoo in Nanning, southChinasGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Decr 30, 2006.


55. In the frist second, some thing already are decreed to continue from begining to ending.


56. A shark uses its flexibly body to lay out punctuationmarksduring a public performance at an aquatic park in Fuzhou,SouthChinas Fujian Province Decr 30, 2006.


57. But it was decreed by fortune, my perpetual enemy, that so great a felicity should not fall to my share.


58. The governor decreed a day of mourning.


59. The two have been seted since Decr, in the hope absence willmaketheir hearts grow fonder, Kannika said.


60. Several centuries ago, as Easter was quickly approaching, the Pope decreed that all the Jews had to convert to Catholicism or leave Italy.


61. It will be around Decr when a new stock is supplied.


62. The queen decreed that she should not be delivered in any place where the sun shone.


63. The Queen has decreed her order.


64. She organized a new all-female army, the Sentinels, and decreed that it would be directed by the Sisterhood of Elune.


65. She organized a new all-female army the Sentinels and decreed that it would be directed by the Sisterhood of Elune.


66. All that happened in the world was decreed by an omnipotent being; it was her fate to be where she was and what she was.


67. She shall be the wife of your master's son, as the Lord has decreed.


68. Now Mr Maroni has decreed that the migrants should be held at a new identification and expulsion centre on Lampedusa itself until they are repatriated.


69. As was to be expected, our criticism of the theory and application of the “third period” was decreed counterrevolutionary.


70. The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children.


71. To do what thy hand and thy counsel decreed to be done.


72. In a way, life is decreed by fate and whatever happened was predestined, for which, women would be incapable of avoiding it, and meanwhile, powerlessly in contending with it.


73. The city government decreed that all dogs must be licensed.


74. It decreed a trade embargo on neighbouring Megara, but the ensuing 27-year struggle left the Athenians humiliated and Megara's ally, Corinth, triumphant.


75. Thou wast not on the Western side when We decreed the Commission to Moses, nor wast thou a witness (of those events).


76. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.


77. 52 Simon decreed that this day should be celebrated every year with rejoicing.


78. Simon decreed that this day be celebrated as a day of annual rejoicing. He strengthened the fortifications of the Temple hill by the side of the military Citadel, and dwelt there with his men.


79. Never did We destroy a population that had not a term decreed and assigned beforehand.


80. The sentence of death was decreed upon all of us by a higher than a mortal Judge.
