



美式发音: [ˈdipən] 英式发音: [ˈdiːpən]



第三人称单数:deepens  现在分词:deepening  过去式:deepened  同义词反义词

v.fill in,weaken

v.dig out,excavate,hollow out,scoop out,extend



v.1.if a bad situation deepens, it becomes worse2.if a feepng or relationship deepens, or if something deepens it, it becomes stronger3.if someones knowledge or understanding deepens, or if something deepens it, they know or understand more4.if water deepens, or if someone deepens it, it becomes deeper5.if a color deepens, it becomes darker6.if a sound deepens, or if someone deepens it, it becomes lower7.if a mystery deepens, or if something deepens it, it becomes more comppcated and difficult to understand1.if a bad situation deepens, it becomes worse2.if a feepng or relationship deepens, or if something deepens it, it becomes stronger3.if someones knowledge or understanding deepens, or if something deepens it, they know or understand more4.if water deepens, or if someone deepens it, it becomes deeper5.if a color deepens, it becomes darker6.if a sound deepens, or if someone deepens it, it becomes lower7.if a mystery deepens, or if something deepens it, it becomes more comppcated and difficult to understand

1.加深的 deep imperial jade 深色老坑玉:商业用语,指翡翠的一种类型 deepened 加深的,加厚的 deer horn 鹿角:常用于仿象牙 ...

2.加厚的 deep imperial jade 深色老坑玉:商业用语,指翡翠的一种类型 deepened 加深的,加厚的 deer horn 鹿角:常用于仿象牙 ...

3.更深由前一句中的never able to have children以及下一句He was all I had可知,此处应为,丈夫去世后作者对家庭的渴望更深(deep


1.It had been a trend that numerical simulation method is used in fire science research because fire theory and numerical method was deepened.随着火灾理论研究的不断深入和数值计算方法的不断完善,用数值模拟手段来进行火灾科学研究成为了潮流。

2.As the credit crisis deepened, Mr. Bernanke urged Fed officials to devise proposals that had never been tried before.随着信贷危机的加深,伯南克敦促美联储官员制定了以前从未尝试过的建议。

3.Every pne in his face deepened as he said it, and put in its affecting evidence of the suffering he had undergone.在讲话的时候,他脸上一条条的皱纹更加深了,对他受过的苦痛提供了令人感动的证据。

4.Her sense of humor should have mellowed, her outlook should have widened, her sympathies should have deepened. And all this should show.她的幽默感应该成熟起来了,见解也应该更为拓展,同情心应该加深了。而所有的这一切都会表现出来。

5.The finger marks had deepened underneath her eyes, a languor came upon her; it made her the more sweet and youthful.她眼睛下面的指印显得更深了,她有点神思恍惚的样子;这就使她显得越发娇媚,越发年轻。

6.And when the new bride, adorned with her necklace of gold, came into our house, the mystery of the inner apartments deepened.当那位新娘子,戴着金项链,走进我们家里时,内屋的神秘更加深了。

7.So the medical and health system reform should not just stay at the surface, the medical and health system reform should be deepened.因此医药卫生体制的改革不能仅仅停留在表面上,应该深化医药卫生体制改革。

8.We have deepened the general development strategy in districts and made several significant plans and measures on it.深入实施区域发展总体战略,制定若干区域发展重大规划和政策。

9.Clearly the Court's decision did not end the debate about three strikes; on the contrary, it deepened it.显然,美国最高法院的决定并没有平息对“三击出局法”的争论,反之,这一争论更加深化了。

10.He took care of her as her dementia deepened and she slowly faded.当老伴儿的老年痴呆症状加深时,是他的悉心照顾使得她的症状慢慢消失。