



美式发音: [dɪr] 英式发音: [dɪə(r)]






n.1.a large brown animal with long thin legs. The adult male deer is called a stag and may have antlers growing from its head. The female deer is called a doe and a young deer is called a fawn.

1.鹿 Reptiles 爬行动物+ Deers 鹿= Horn 角+ ...

2.头鹿 中国的过去 China'a past, 5头鹿 5 deers, 三天的行程 3 day trip, ...

3.鹿科动物 马科动物(Horses):例如马,驴,斑马3. 鹿科动物(Deers):例如梅花鹿,水鹿4. 象科动物(Elephants):非洲象,亚洲象5. 有些囓齿目动 …

4.单复数一致 B. negative 消极的;负面的 A. deers 单复数一致 B. sheeps 单复数一致 ...


1.Furthermore, all of its organs can be used to make medicine. Therefore, the economic value of the sika deers is unpmited.梅花鹿以丰富的药用价值著称,其全身都可入药,因此经济价值不可限量。

2.No matter where it goes(went), it left behind it a trail of dead deers or dead small animals such as rabbits.无论它走哪儿,一路上总会留下一串死鹿及死兔子之类的小动物。

3.The introduced marmots can feed our five generation while introduced deers are now up to 300000.引进来的旱獭可以养活我们五代人,而引进的鹿如今已经多达三十万头。

4.Suddenly appeared two silver deers in the sky, up sit kind Santa Claus.突然,天空中出现了两匹银鹿,上面坐着和蔼的圣诞老人。

5.Mommy, Hurry! We need to prepare cookies and milk for Santa and all the deers .妈咪,赶快准备好饼乾和牛奶给圣诞老公公。

6.The room is filled with many animal figurines, but these two deers really brought an extra breath of pfe into the room.房间里充满了许多动物俑,但真正使这两个鹿走进房间额外的生活气息。

7.We also went on a couple of tours, and we saw fish, buffalo, and deers.我们去了几个地方,看见了鱼,野牛和鹿。

8.In Todaiji Temple there are many sika deers free play with tourists.在东大寺有许多梅花鹿鹿自由发挥的游客。

9.There are more than three hundred deers in the forest.这个树林里有三百多只鹿。

10.Forth: how do we deal with David deers?第四:我们应如何处理与大卫鹿?