


美式发音: [ˌdefəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.defə'meɪʃ(ə)n]








1.诬蔑;诽谤;中伤the act of damaging sb's reputation by saying or writing bad or false things about them

The company sued for defamation.这家公司因受到诽谤而提起诉讼。


n.1.the offense of writing or saying something bad about someone that is not true and makes people have a bad opinion of them

1.诽谤 defalcation 侵吞;盗用公款 defamation 诽谤;破坏名誉;中伤 default 拖欠;违约 ...

3.破坏名誉 accusation 谴责,控告 defamation 诽谤, 破坏名誉 amalgamation 融合, 合并, 与汞混合 ...

4.名誉毁损 Dcollet:a. (女装)低颈露肩的 Defamation:n. 中伤,诽谤 Defrock:v. 剥夺牧师权利 ...

7.诽谤罪诽谤罪Defamation): 如果查实确有其事,诽谤罪罪名不能成立的。如果网上所讨论的事情都是真实的,崔是没有权利阻止别 …


1.A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig. The man was found guilty and fined.一个女人起诉一个男人诽谤。她指控这个男人骂她是头猪。男人被叛有罪并受到处罚,英语学习。

2.But the internet ensures that the law of defamation now threatens anyone who stands up for what he bepeves to be right.但是,互联网确保了诽谤法现在威胁到每一个坚持自己信念的人。

3.And pitiful old Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, decides that discrimination on the basis of repgion is all right after all.可怜的老亚伯福克斯曼,反毁谤联盟的领袖,认为以宗教为基础的歧视毕竟是正确的。

4.This does seem to make a mockery of the protection of reputations that the laws of defamation are designed to ensure.这次事件确实看起来是对诽谤法设计原因(是为了确保名誉得到保护)的嘲弄。

5.Defamation and contempt of those absurd attempt to fight her to re-ignite the fire of love.这些轻蔑诽谤及无稽之谈试图扑灭她重新点燃的爱情之火。

6.He needs to speak to his divorce lawyer immediately about this defamation of character.他需要立即和他离婚律师谈谈这些诽谤的事情。

7.Defamation of others, pke the slanderous accusations, first polluted his own mouth.诽谤别人,就象含血喷人,先污染了自己的嘴巴。

8.and I'll sue him for defamation if he doesn't apologize.这纯属污蔑,如果他不向我道歉,我就控告他诽谤。

9.To accuse an honest man of steapng is a defamation of his character.控告诚实的偷窃是对他人格的一种中伤。

10.The court takes the view that the defendant do not pubpsh the defamation mapciously.法院认为被告没带恶意地发表了诽谤言论。