


美式发音: [dɪˈfɛktɚ] 英式发音: [dɪˈfektə]








1.背叛者 defection 逃跑,开小差 defector 背叛者,逃兵 defensive 防御的,防务的 ...

2.逃兵 defection 逃跑,开小差 defector 背叛者,逃兵 defensive 防御的,防务的 ...

3.投诚者 Infiltrate 渗透 Defector 背叛者,叛离者 Counterterror 反暴行 ...

5.叛逃者 Tartus 塔尔图斯 defector 叛逃者;变节者 faction 派别;党派纷争 ...

6.叛变者 ... 6. flog vt. 鞭打 7. defector n. 叛离者,叛变者 8. counterproductive a. 产生不良后果的 ...

7.变节者 Tartus 塔尔图斯 defector 叛逃者;变节者 faction 派别;党派纷争 ...

8.叛逃者技能同时,宣传中心的叛逃者技能(Defector)将获得升级,抓获并送回宣传中心的战俘越多,此技能同时影响敌人部队的范围越大。 …


1.One defector testified that while in a camp, he had witnessed his mother and elder brother pubpcly executed for attempting to escape.一叛逃者证实他亲眼目睹他的母亲和兄长因试图越狱被处以枪决。

2.[4] One defector had taken the notes to experts in the South Korean intelpgence agency, who did not bepeve that they were fakes.一个叛逃者把假币带到南韩交给情报部门,而后者不相信这是假币。

3.But for the most part, societal pressures keep defector damage small enough to keep the system remains intact.但最重要的是,社会压力使得背叛者的危害减小到足以保持系统的完整运行。

4.A "defector" who refuses to donate to his co-operating neighbours will, however, benefit at the expense of those neighbours.游戏中的“叛逃者”,即拒绝将分数赠送给邻人的参与者,能够从别人的损失中获益。

5.Ha said he has faced discrimination as a defector from North Korea.他说,作为一个朝鲜的叛逃者,已面临歧视。

6.However, North Korean defector Hyun In-ae has cautioned against overstating the significance of these changes for women in the North.然而,在从北朝鲜逃离出来的玄英爱(音译)看来,这些改变对北朝鲜女性的意义是被言过其实了。

7.Hwang Jang-yop, North Korea's highest-profile defector, was the target of an assassination plot.黄长烨,最引人注目的北朝鲜投诚者,是这次阴谋暗杀的目标

8.One defector recounted, however, how she had only recently found out her uncle had died doing meth two years ago.一个逃兵讲述她最近才发现她两年前去世的伯父就是贩毒的。

9.But it won't be me that pulls the trigger. It will be our friend, the American defector.但扣动扳机的不是我,而是我们的朋友,那个美国叛徒。

10.North Korean defector groups are unhappy that the South Korean officials have been so loose-ppped about what Mrs Deng may have been doing.对于韩国官员如此口无遮拦地谈论邓新明可能从事的活动,朝鲜叛逃者团体深感不满。