



adv. 防御地, 守势地



sensitively | warily | cautiously | apologetically |


offensively |

见:defensive: defensively defensively
in a defensive manner
‘No, I didn't,’ he replied defensively.
翻译:(in sport) in terms of defence
we must tighten up defensively.


副词 defensively:

in an apologetic and defensive manner

in a defensive manner


1. "Get Backtrack early game if you need to play defensively, while Time Lock will allow you to be a little more aggressive."


2. "Rafa's teams are well organised, especially defensively, and they work very hard to win the ball. I like this kind of work," he sid.


3. Yu Defen,Sun Caixin,Gu Leguan,et al.The research to token on flash over characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation[J].Proceedings oftheCSEE,2001,21(4):16-19.


4. Yu Defen,Gu Leguan,Sun Caixin,et al.The research to token on flashover characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation [J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2001,21(4):15-19(in Chinese).


5. 'I felt it better you should know,' said Sir Cedric defensively.


6. "Defensively the line pushed up and played far from our goal and because of that, and because we have fast people, we dominated the game and they didn't create chances.


7. “They think a lot defensively so it is very difficult to create against them.


8. "Defensively they have improved. Some players who were injured are back. Signing Lassana Diarra means they have two midfielders who can defend more, so they are more solid.


9. "He was totally aware of the situation for the second goal," Magath acknowledged, "but he did his share defensively too.


10. "It's all right for him to push the basketball, but then he's also got to turn around defensively and guard a much smaller, quicker ballplayer," Rambis said.


11. "Maybe last year, I don't know if we were tough enough mentally and defensively to pull that one out, so it's good to know that we're growing.


12. “Hey that's low! It was the first time I kissed a girl, ok” Rupert said defensively.


13. "We're fine with that and we always accept the challenge every night to lead our team offensively but most importantly defensively.


14. "Defensively, we're not at a very high level," Gasol said.


15. "We haven't performed well defensively, as a team and as a back four. That also applies to me individually.


16. "I have seen England's last few games on the TV and the squad is strong in every department - defensively, midfield and in attack.


17. "I felt it better you should know,"said Sir Cedric defensively.


18. "I feel like I definitely can help our team defensively," Hinrich said.


19. "I thought Samp played very defensively, but with two great strikers up front. [Antonio] Cassano created some great chances and Pazzini reminds me of a traditional English striker, I liked him a lot.


20. “Debrecen were an unknown quantity and they played very defensively, which is their right.


21. "Defensively if we can get Andrew and Pau back, if we get beat on the perimeter it's not going to be easy layups anymore.


22. "He's good defensively, good in attack, scores a lot of goals and works unbelievably hard.


23. On the one hand, Trinidad and Tobago played very defensively and cautiously, spending almost the entire game trying to neutralise their opposition.


24. Once the design is in place, you should code defensively to try and prevent issues from arising and handle errors when they occur.


25. Jordan is a better shooter. He has better defens.


26. The truth is that [with new homeland security] we'll improve defensively by maybe 7 percent or 10 percent.


27. Only on the scene since 2004-05, he's taken a while to come around defensively (despite all the blocks) and offensively (despite all the dunks), and he's a bloody beast.


28. FIVB will have issued new volleyeall rules form 1st January 1995. The new rule hasfeen mede on Service area, holding and doufle hit so as to encourage defen ce for a more interestingcompetition.

从1995年1月1日起,国际排联开始执行新的排球竞赛规则。 新规则为鼓励防守,使比赛更加有趣,对发球区、持球和连击等作了新的规定。

29. Defensively, if he has enough strength in the leg, Walton is a larger body to put on some of Houston's bruisers.


30. "They called time out. They adjusted offensively and defensively, and we were just like before."


31. They can be both defensively good and offensively awesome.


32. They moved themselves and the ball better offensively and switched on screens defensively, funneling Steve Nash toward the sides of the court, rather than trying to trap him in the middle.


33. They did well defensively, but on Tuesday they might be tenser not to concede us any away goal.


34. He dropped into a defensive crouch, the knife held defensively before him.


35. He was as dominant in the paint offensively as he was defensively, and ranks among the league's greatest centers in many statistical categories.


36. He's hitting big shots, he's on the floor getting loose balls and he has a unique ability to come in from the three point line defensively and take basketballs away from people with his body.


37. He was a good scorer, an excellent rebounder, fantastic defensively, and arguably the best-passing big man ever.


38. He has been using attacking midfielder Stilian Petrov more defensively while Nigel Reo-Coker - replaced by Parker at Upton Park two years ago - is struggling to hold a regular place down.


39. He has been so mature, scored so many great goals (been a great asset even defensively) -though the best goal is still Lamps flick over Valdes at the Nou Camp.


40. Long wingspan that he uses to his advantage offensively and defensively...


41. Fighting Defensively as a Standard Action


42. But defensively Marvin is a great match-up against LeBron, because he has the size and speed to at least keep up with Bron.And Mo Evans also is a pretty good match-up.


43. But from the start, he was considered a long-term project in need of improved technique defensively and tenacity on the boards.


44. However, he was also as skilled as anyone as he could shoot as well as anyone, was tough defensively, was a brilliant passer and as clutch as any player ever.


45. But Inter often play defensively.


46. A few things I've noticed as Disc is that it's almost always convenient to spend GCD's defensively dispelling.


47. Petit is a fighter, very good defensively but without Costinha’s aerial quality.


48. Use the EventsHelper class defined in Programming.NET Components to publish events defensively.


49. Note that Barkley, admittedly, needed to be sequestered defensively.


50. Chelsea is a very good team, defensively they have a fantastic record.


51. Defensively Mascherano is the equal of Cambiasso, however he certainly is not as complete as his countryman, especially in the offensive department.


52. Karune:Yup, Force Field is great on the Disruptor because it can be used both offensively and defensively.


53. History shows that societies often react defensively to a stagnating economy, favouring cartels, beggar-thy-neighbour protectionism and anti-immigrant populism.


54. nuclear, biological and chemical warfare defens

原子、生物、化学战防护, 三防

55. Defensively, with Sinisa Mihajlovic, Jaam Stam and Giuseppe Favalli all departing, the club are short and want Parma's Siviglia to come in to boost their back line.


56. Yup, Force Field is great on the Disruptor because it can be used both offensively and defensively.


57. The general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis.


58. Versatile infielder Nick Green has played very well defensively, but Miguel Cairo's experience and his ability to back up at first base might give him the edge.


59. Defensively, Hazell is good at judging the direction of rebounds, and started showing his potential by almost getting 4 rebounds per game.


60. Produced at a very high rate defensively and on rebounds.


61. Andrew Bynum: Kareem has been the biggest help to me.We work out before practices, defensively, and offensive moves.


62. If he gets healthy in time, Bynum will be the inside presence, both defensively and on the boards, that was glaringly missing last June.


63. If you want to be successful, you have to play well defensively.


64. If you're smart offensively, you can be smart defensively, when you put a gameplan together.


65. We will need to keep things solid defensively and look for the counter attack if we are to qualify for the quarter finals.


66. "Coach doesn't like me putting the blame [on himself] for a loss but I can play much better offensively and defensively.


67. Antonini -7.0: Filled in well for Zambrotta at right back and, although he didn't go forward too much, was not troubled at all defensively.

安东尼尼:7.0 - 顶替赞布罗塔出任右后卫表现不俗,虽然说他的助攻次数并不多,但是防守上没有什么漏洞。

68. Sakura is in a trance; Nadeshiko vomits blood and murmurs that the magic user's power is too strong for her to cut off defensively.


69. Although Chelsea were impressive enough defensively, in truth, Mourinho's men were a side devoid of the creative wit needed to prise open a Barcelona defence that was never unduly worried.


70. However, while he certainly did more than an acceptable job against Dwight Howard defensively in the finals last season, he's somewhat of a tweener defensively.


71. Despite this, we recommend that you "program defensively.


72. Outlook: Atlanta has a deep backcourt, but it lacks an inside game. The Hawks are solid defensively with athletic and quick players.


73. You always want to win when you step onto the floor, but even if you don't win, you can still get better offensively and defensively.


74. Also, when Redd is in the game you generally want a more prototypical swingman in there to matchup defensively against the other team's top perimeter scorer.


75. Dwight Howard is without a doubt the best big man in the league as he is great offensively and dominant defensively.


76. To have success defensively against Pau, Scola will need to play very physically while getting help from his teammates, especially when Gasol puts the ball on the floor.


77. They are more defensively sophisticated in Serie A and Shevchenko would only have to jog back into position when Milan lost possession, not go haring after a full-back.


78. We re anxious and afraid. Then defensively we become jealous of others.


79. We had to pick it up defensively to try and take away their easy shots.


80. We can be organised and be defensively very strong, so we always felt comfortable.
