




1.延期 defensive technology 防御性技术 deferral 延期,递延 deferral method 递延法 ...

2.递延 defensive technology 防御性技术 deferral 延期,递延 deferral method 递延法 ...

3.延迟 defensive maneuver 防御机制 deferral 延迟,延期 deferral 延期 ...

4.递延项目 defective title 所有权欠妥 deferral 递延项目 deferred annuity 延期年金 ...

5.延期登录useum of Western Art)应该要「延期审查」(deferral),此举透露出今年的柯比意将不好过,最后果然是铩羽而归。


8.递延的 ... Debtor – 债务人 Deferral递延的 Depreciation – 折旧 ...


1.Banking regulators globally have encouraged banks to make their pay deferral periods longer, at least a year or more.全球银行监管者曾鼓励银行延长薪酬的延期兑现时间,至少要在一年或一年以上。

2.I also need you to come in and fill out a deferral apppcation form before you leave for China.我同样需要你在去中国之前过来填一张延期申请书。

3.At the meeting, Thailand requested a deferral of any proposed management plans until the the border dispute is settled.在会议上,泰国要求推迟任何拟议的管理计划,直到边界争议得到解决。

4.These can be issued to minimise a tax pabipty, but could also be used in place of shares as part of a deferral arrangements.这样做可以使纳税义务最小化,也可以作为延缓安排的一部分来代替股票。

5.Their deferral of karma caused a fall upon earth, and now the karmic return of such a dance is to experience a fall in the Sirian dance.他们的业力延迟曾导致了地球的一次下跌,现在,这类舞蹈的业力归还是为了在天狼星舞蹈中体验一次下跌。

6.Arafat, as anyone who dealt with him knows well, moved only when compelled, preferring the ambiguity of deferral to the clarity of choice.阿拉法特,所有认识他的人都知道,从来都是推一步走一步,喜欢模糊的拖延多过清楚的选择。

7.Also, investing in Treasury bills that mature in the next tax year results in a deferral of the tax until the next year.同时,投资的政府短期债券在下一年到期的话,可以获得收入税延期到下一年的好处。

8.Blair said Jackson was issued a90- day deferral on his jury service while he completed paperwork notifying the court of his move.布莱尔还表示,法庭已同意杰克逊履行陪审团服务的日期向后推迟90天,同时,他已经完成了相关书面工作,通知法庭他的动向。

9.Tasklets are a deferral scheme that you can schedule for a registered function to run later.微线程是一个延迟方法,可以实现将已登记的函数进行推后运行。

10.Work is represented by a work_struct structure, which identifies the work to be deferred and the deferral function to use (see Figure 3).任务由结构体work_struct来说明,用来鉴别哪些任务被延迟以及使用哪个延迟函数(参见图3)。