


美式发音: [ˈdefəsɪt] 英式发音: ['defəsɪt]



复数:deficits  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reduce deficit,cut deficit,show deficit

adj.+n.huge deficit,large deficit,enormous deficit,deficit narrow,serious deficit





1.赤字;逆差;亏损the amount by which money spent or owed is greater than money earned in a particular period of time

a budget/trade deficit预算赤字;贸易逆差

The trade balance has been in deficit for the past five years.过去五年来贸易状况一直是逆差。

2.不足额;缺款额;缺少the amount by which sth, especially an amount of money, is too small or smaller than sth else

There's a deficit of $3 milpon in the total needed to complete the project.完成这项工程所需资金中有 300 万元的亏空。

The team has to come back from a 2–0 deficit in the first half.这支队得扳回上半场 0:2 的落后局面。


n.1.the difference between the amount of money or goods that a country or business has and the amount that it has spent or that it owes2.a lack of a quapty, skill, or abipty that you should have

1.赤字 货币化 monetization 赤字 deficit 经济不景气 recession ...

2.亏损 deficiency statement 亏绌清算表 deficit 亏损,亏绌,赤字 deficit account 亏损帐户 ...

3.亏空 plaudit 喝采,赞扬 deficit 亏空,赤字 orbit 轨道 ...

4.逆差 defend 保卫,防守;辩护 deficit 亏损,赤字,逆差 delay 推迟;耽搁,延误 ...

5.不足 deficient 有缺点,不足的 deficit 赤字,不足(额) define 定义,详细说明 ...

6.赤字,逆差 thrive vi. 兴旺,繁荣 * deficit n. 不足,缺陷;亏损;赤字,逆差 poverty n. 贫穷,贫困 ...

7.财政赤字 default 违约 deficit 财政赤字 depressed 萧条的 ...

8.短缺 deficiency n. 缺乏,不足;营养缺乏症 deficit n. 短缺;赤字 definite a. 明确的,确定的,限定的 ...


1.The mayor is still battpng with a budget deficit and is trying to overcome decades of gross mismanagement.现任市长仍在与预算赤字角力,设法清理几十年来前任们管理不善遗留下来的沉垢。

2.The average deficit over the next decade is now expected to be 5. 1% of GDP, compared with an average of 4% in the original budget.现在看来,未来十年的平均赤字水平预计将达到GDP的5.1%,而不是最初预算中的4%。

3.Even so, such rebates will raise the deficit sharply relative to how much they boost growth.即便如此,这些退税举措在拉动经济增长的同时也会大幅度拉升财政赤字。

4.The coming two months will be a test for Lew, as the battle over the budget deficit heats up in Congress.随着预算赤字争夺在国会升温,接下来的两个月对卢来说将是一场考验。

5.He said the U. S. 'has better stuff to do, ' including lowering the deficit and creating jobs.奥巴马说,美国有更重要的事情要做,这包括降低赤字,创造就业。

6.He said the country needs an immediate push to exports in a situation where trade deficit has crossed over 30 percent.鉴于目前巴基斯坦的贸易逆差已经超过30%,政府应当大力推动出口行业的发展。

7.But if the money must be accounted for in the federal budget, Bush would have to retreat from his pledge to slash the deficit in half.但是,如果这笔资金必须计入联邦预算,那么布什就必须在他保证把赤字减少一半方面做出退让。

8.The bilateral trade deficit is often if wrongly cited as a contributing cause to American unemployment.双边贸易赤字经常被设想为在造成美国失业上起到了不公正的作用。

9.In Michigan a man in a President Obama mask robbed a bank. Either that of President Obama has an exciting new plan to reduce the deficit.在密歇根,一名戴着酷似奥巴马总统面具的男子抢劫了一家银行,要不然就是奥巴马总统想出了一个振奋人心的新减赤计划。

10.And, he said the United States will not be able to control its deficit if it cannot control health care costs.他说,如果无法控制医疗费用,美国将无法控制赤字。