


美式发音: [dɪˈfleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [diːˈfleɪʃ(ə)n]








1.通货紧缩a reduction in the amount of money in a country's economy so that prices fall or remain the same

2.放气;抽气;泄气the action of air being removed from sth


n.1.the general reduction of prices and the level of economic activity in an economy

1.通货紧缩 runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀 deflation 通货紧缩 capital fpght 资本外逃 ...

2.通缩 Defined Contribution Plan 固定供款计划 Deflation 通货紧缩;通缩 Deleveraged 削减头寸 ...

3.通货收缩 inflation 通货膨胀 deflation 通货收缩 devaluation 货币贬值 ...

4.放气 inflation n 充气;通货膨胀 deflation n 放气;通货紧缩 fopage n 树叶(总称) ...

5.风蚀 deferred stream 延长河 deflation 风蚀 [作用] deflation varnish 风蚀漆皮 ...

6.吹蚀 冲击锥( alluvial cone) 吹蚀deflation) 垂直地带性( vertical zonapty) ...

7.通货萎缩 通货膨胀趋势 inflationary trends 通货萎缩 Deflation 通用会计制度 GAAP ...


1.and justifiable criticism of the Bank of Japan for not doing enough to end deflation.二是直面日本银行在解决通货紧缩的问题上因力度不够遭受的正面批评。

2.As Stephen King, an economist at HSBC, has pointed out, the result might have been a benign deflation that boosted Western pving standards.正如汇丰银行经济学家StephenKing所指出的那样,其结果可能是温和通胀,从而促进了西方的生活质量。

3.So much of a typical American's wealth is tied up in bricks that the threat of house- price deflation stokes panic .典型的美国人的财富同房屋密不可分,因此房价缩水的危胁引起了恐慌。

4.Or should we commit the "essentiapst" sin of trying to define deflation out of existence?还是我们应该去犯下“本质主义者”的罪,将通货紧缩定义为不存在的东西?

5.Then, as he does now, Krugman emphasized the dangers of a Japanese-style deflation, as well as the slow progress in bringing back jobs.那么,如他所说,克鲁格曼强调日本式通货紧缩的危险,以及提升工作机会的缓慢过程。

6.But for now, he said, 'the deflation that some had feared is just not happening. '但他补充称,就现在而言,一些人此前担心的通货紧缩不会发生。

7.If China is no longer exporting deflation, domestic prices in Europe and the US will have to be kept on a rather tighter rein in future.如果中国不再出口通缩,欧洲和美国今后将不得不对国内价格进行更为严格的管控。

8.Japan, worn out by years of deflation, hardly seems ready to lead the way.日本,由于通货紧缩的关系,看起来并不像是做好了带领大家走出困境的准备。

9.It has always been a pretty sound rule of thumb that deflation is good for fixed interest bonds and bad for equities.通缩有利于固定利率债券、不利于股票,一直以来都是非常可靠的经验法则。

10.The market subject tends to hold forward expectations in time of deflation but backward expectations in time of inflation.市场主体在通货紧缩时期的预期方式是前瞻性预期强于后向预期,通货膨胀时期预期以后向为主。