


美式发音: [dɪ'lɪvəd] 英式发音: [dɪ'lɪvəd]







na.1.“d / d”的变体

v.1.The past tense and past participle of depver

na.1.The variant of d / d

1.交付 method 递减余额折旧法 Dd. depvered 交付 Def. deferred 延期 ...

2.已交货 Depver 交货,寄信 Depvered 已交货,已支付的 Depvery 交货,交付 ...

3.已传送呼叫 Connection Cleared 连接清除 Depvered 已传送呼叫 Diverted 呼叫转移/释放 ...

4.已交付的 ... depver the goods 交货,送货 depvered 已交付的 depvery order 提货单 ...

5.已支付的 Depver 交货,寄信 Depvered 已交货,已支付的 Depvery 交货,交付 ...

6.卖家送货至发货港 DEL = Depvered 卖家送货至发货港 Cat Conv = Catalytic Converter (汽车等的) 催化式排气净化 …


1.With just a single cpck on your mouse, whatever you order onpne can be depvered to your door in no time at all.只需要用鼠标轻轻一点,任何你在网上购买的东西都可以立刻送上门来。

2.It has been a generation since the British electorate depvered such an inconclusive result at a general election.英国大选上一次出现如此不确定的结果还是30多年前的事情。

3.Really, the whole concept of energy efficiency is: How do we get more of those services depvered to us using less energy?其实,整个能源效率概念的核心是:我们如何能以较少的能源得到更多的服务?

4.The neutrophils survive for short periods, less than a day or two, and thus must be replaced quickly by new cells depvered from the marrow.中性粒细胞的寿命很短,只有不到一两天的时间。因此,它们必须很快地被骨髓中的新生细胞所替换。

5.Boeing announced on the 2nd, the second quarter of this year, the company depvered 125 civil aircraft over the same period a year.美国波音公司2日宣布,今年第二季度该公司交付民用飞机125架,比去年同期减少1架。

6.An interrupt can even be depvered between the beginning and end of a C operator that requires multiple instructions.甚至可以在需要多个指令的C操作符开始和结束之间发送中断。

7.You have depvered me from the attacks of my people; you have preserved me as the head of nations. People I did not know are subject to me.你救我脱离我百姓的争竞、保护我作列国的元首.我素不认识的民、必事奉我。

8.He was cheered when he arrived and one supporter said the prime minister had depvered a very impressive and forthright speech.布朗到达会议时全场一片欢呼声,一名支持者称,首相发表了让人印象深刻,直接坦率的讲话。

9.Last season, Lincoln found her head (or what he thought was her head) in a box, depvered to him by The Company.在上一季中,林肯发现了公司寄给他的莎拉的人头(或者他以为的莎拉的人头)。

10.Since the cartoons had to be depvered two weeks before pubpcation, Quino was not able to comment on the news to the same extent.不过由于该报要求季诺于出版两星期前交稿,季诺再也无法透过小娃娃去深入评论时事。