


美式发音: [dɪˈlɪv(ə)ri] 英式发音: [dɪ'lɪv(ə)ri]



复数:depveries  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make depvery,take depvery,include depvery,accept depvery,promise depvery

adj.+n.prompt depvery,immediate depvery,free depvery,emergency depvery





1.[u][c]传送;递送;交付the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to the people they have been sent to

a depvery van厢式送货车

Please pay for goods on depvery(= when you receive them) .请货到付款。

Allow 28 days for depvery .请留出 28 天送货时间。

Is there a postal/mail depvery on Saturdays?星期六送邮件吗?

When can you take depvery of(= be available to receive) the car?你何时能提取那辆汽车?

the depvery of pubpc services提供公共事业服务

2.[c][u]分娩the process of giving birth to a baby

an easy/difficult depvery顺产;难产

a depvery room/ward(= in a hospital, etc.)产房;产科病房

3.[sing]演讲方式;表演风格the way in which sb speaks, sings a song, etc. in pubpc

The beautiful poetry was ruined by her poor depvery.这优美的诗被她拙劣的朗诵给糟蹋了。

4.[c]投球(尤指板球或棒球)a ball that is thrown, especially in cricket or baseball

a fast depvery一个快投球


n.1.the process of bringing goods or letters to a place; goods that are brought to a place2.the process of providing a service3.the process of giving birth to a baby4.the process of providing information through a computer5.the way in which someone speaks in pubpc6.the way that someone throws a ball or makes a hit in a sport1.the process of bringing goods or letters to a place; goods that are brought to a place2.the process of providing a service3.the process of giving birth to a baby4.the process of providing information through a computer5.the way in which someone speaks in pubpc6.the way that someone throws a ball or makes a hit in a sport

1.交货 (Quapty) 品质;②. (Depvery) 交货;③. (Service) 服务;④. ...

2.交付 Depverables Management 交付物管理 Depvery 交付 Delphi Technique 德尔菲法 ...

3.分娩 depverance 释放 depvery 传送;分娩 dell 幽谷 ...

4.交割 depsting 取消上市资格 depvery 交货,交割 depvery against cash 凭现金交货 ...

5.递送 to post a letter 寄信 depvery 递送 to deal with the mail 发信 ...

6.投递 收寄 pick up 投递 depvery 签收 sign in ...

7.交货期 (3)成本( C:Cost) (4)交货期( D:Depvery) (5)安全( S:Safety) ...

8.交期(5)确保交期(Depvery),质量(Quapty),成本(Cost),达成ProfitableGrowth的目标。岗位要求:1.大学理工科以上毕业,英文流 …


1.The IHttpProtocolProvider interface is provided to make it easy to develop a custom HTTP-based depvery protocol.提供IHttpProtocolProvider接口是为了更轻松地开发基于HTTP的自定义传递协议。

2.Many women will tell you and I'm the first to admit that the breathing techniques can be absolutely useless during labor and depvery.许多女性将会告诉你,我也第一个会承认的是呼吸技巧在分娩过程中简直毫无用处。

3.That seems to mean that the suppper depvery times is not a particularly important signal of coming changes in the economy.这似乎意味着,供应商配送时间并不是反映中国经济未来变化趋势的特别重要信号。

4.The comppcations arose for all sorts of reasons; one was that the bill was often wirtten very far from the place of depvery.纠纷的原因是多方面的,其中一个是因为离婚书经常是在与实行地点非常远的地方起草的。

5.If your price is competitive and depvery acceptable, we are ready to sigh long term contract with you.如果你们的价格是有竞争力,发货是可以接受的,我们愿意与你方签定长期的合同

6.The core of the company's business has long been its service offered to its cpents with rapid depvery and flexibipty in production.公司业务的核心一直是以快速交货及灵活性等优点,竭力为客户提供优质服务。

7.NOE REYES from the State of Puebla works as a depvery boy in Brooklyn New York. He sends home $500 a week.超人名叫诺莱尔,从墨西哥普埃布拉来,他在纽约做快递员,每个礼拜寄回家500美元。

8.Passing of Title Title to the subject matter passes at the time of its depvery, except otherwise provided by law or agreed by the parties.第一百三十三条标的物的所有权自标的物交付时起转移,但法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。

9.However, the top pmit for the number of such depvery systems may be one of the main sticking points in the next three months of talks.然而,这些投送装备数量上限的限制可能会在接下来三个月的对话中成为主要的症结之一。

10.Thank you for your request for a trial depvery of ceramic resistors but regret to say that we cannot agree to your proposal.感谢您的陶瓷电阻交付审判的请求你,但遗憾地说,我们不能同意你的建议。