



[ denominated ]

v.命名, 称…为


形容词: denominable | 动词过去式: denominated | 动词过去分词: denominated | 动词现在分词: denominating | 动词第三人称单数: denominates |



形容词: denominable | 动词过去式: denominated | 动词过去分词: denominated | 动词现在分词: denominating | 动词第三人称单数: denominates |


动词 denominate:

assign a name or title to

同义词:designate, denominate


1. Eurocurrency:Funds deposited in a bank when those funds are denominated in a currency differing from the bank's own domestic currency.


2. B shares are denominated in yuan but payable in foreign currency and are designated for foreign investors.

B 份额被命名在元但付得起在外币和被选定外国投资者。

3. denominated in foreign currency

[经] 用外币标价

4. After he died, his son Gu Sili compiled more Wen Tingyun"s poems and annotated them, then denominated the book as Wen Feiqing Shi Ji Jian Zhu.


5. Unlike America it does not have the luxury of its debt being denominated purely in its own currency.


6. Each fund will provide a share-class denominated in yuan to cater to investors from China who don't want to take foreign-exchange risk, the bank said.


7. To compete, the international funds are also trying to establish RMB denominated funds, although in doing so they face some regulatory disadvantages compared with domestic funds.


8. To meet the government's operational needs,part of the Exchange Fund is also held in Hong Kong dollar denominated securities.


9. Events do occur in our time zone that move financial markets denominated in the US dollar and the euro.


10. The bond will be denominated in, shall we say, global dollars or “globars” (if you like the allusion to the shiny metal bars that were once the universal standard currency).


11. A letter of credit denominated in the exporter's currency means the exporter incurs no risk of loss as a result of possible exchange-rate fluctuation.


12. Securities that are denominated in dollars or yen.


13. securities that are denominated in dollars


14. Mr. Yam said he supported the idea of having certain Hong Kong stocks denominated in China's yuan, also known as the renminbi, as well as Hong Kong dollars.


15. Iran threated that he will spread the whole world with cheap oil, and denominated the oil dollars in Euro, other than USD.


16. But do not expect other Gulf states to follow Tehran's example and decree that all transactions, and especially crude oil sales traditionally denominated in dollars, should be paid in euros.


17. Your Taiwanese bank account must be denominated in New Taiwan Dollars (TWD), also known as NT, and there is a nominal fee of NT$35 per withdrawal.


18. EXAMPLE:Mr.Tang said a “logical spin-off” of permitting settlement of trade contracts would be to let Hong Kong banks handle credit services related to letters of credit denominated in renminbi.


19. The registered capital of a foreign-funded company shall be denominated in RMB, or in a freely convertible foreign currency.


20. The first is a Backing Portfolio to ensure that the monetary base related to the currency board operations is fully backed by highly liquid, primarily short-term, US dollar denominated debt securities.


21. The first is a Backing Portfolio to ensure that the monetary base related to the currency board operations is fully backed by highly liquid, short-term US dollar denominated interest-bearing securities.


22. The term "foreign-denominated securities" in the preceding paragraph means [a security] denominated in a foreign currency other than Renminbi.


23. Last year, Malaysia attracted a bevy of South Korean issuers, which sold bonds denominated in the ringgit, the Malaysian currency.


24. Cater for transactions denominated in the domestic currency as well as in the major foreign currencies;


25. Central banks around the world hold more U.S. dollars and dollar securities than they do assets denominated in any other individual foreign currency.


26. The registered capital shall generally be denominated in Renminbi or may be in a foreign currency agreed upon by the parties to the joint venture.


27. denominated profile


28. Mr. Tang said a "logical spin-off" of permitting settlement of trade contracts would be to let Hong Kong banks handle credit services related to letters of credit denominated in renminbi.


29. Many new large RMB denominated private equity funds have been established by domestic sponsors, drawing on plentiful domestic capital sources.


30. Many new large RMB denominated private equity funds have been established by domestic sponsors, drawing on domestic capital sources.


31. The IMF reckons that Polish households took on mortgages denominated in Swiss francs that were worth about 12% of GDP in 2008.


32. The great majority of the assets and liabilities of the banks operating in the City of London are not denominated in sterling.


33. In countries that are frequent offenders, including those in Latin America, foreign creditors have in the past demanded that government debt be denominated in a foreign currency.


34. In my school, you were denominated by which cricketer or Bollywood star you worshiped, not which prophet.


35. In a normal market 4 ATRs might be equal to $1250, the same as our dollar denominated target.


36. A large chunk of bank lending in the Baltics and other parts of emerging Europe has been denominated in, or indexed to, foreign currency.


37. In the mercantilist period, the difference was made up by a transfer of gold, but today it is made up by holding the deficit country's currency or investments denominated in that currency.


38. foreign currency denominated debenture


39. Foreign exchange deposit refers to the savings account opened by the customer to deposit his cash or bill denominated in foreign currency and the bank repays the principal together with interest according to relevant regulations.


40. Translation of accounts denominated in foreign currency;


41. Loan denominated in foreign currency


42. Hong Kong dollar denominated multilateral agency debt instrument


43. in like manner as the appearance of objects in daylight, to the eye of a man in health, is denominated their true and real colour, even while colour is allowed to be merely a phantasm of the senses.


44. Most UK investors will want to invest with a sterling denominated check, rather than convert to dollars beforehand.


45. funds deposited in a bank when those funds are denominated in a currency differing from the bank's own domestic currency


46. With growing modularisation in the system, students who select omnibus programmes have far greater flexibility than denominated students, who are committed to one or two specific subjects from day one.


47. Chengdu denominated our college as the Garden School because of its beautiful scenery.


48. That reflects a ballooning in foreign banks' mortgage lending to locals, denominated mostly in euros, which has fuelled a property boom.


49. Accounting treatment of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies;


50. These bonds originated as syndicated bank credits to developing countries, denominated in major European currencies.


51. Both Greece and Ireland are carrying heavy public liabilities denominated in a currency (the euro) that they cannot print.


52. Strong NFP numbers and encouraging Stress-test results have markets move away from the Dollar, Yen denominated havens to higher-yield currencies such as AUD and N***.


53. The servant always pointed to the Groom, I never fault Brother Branham for the actions of the denominated Message.


54. Will we see more international financial and trading transactions denominated in RMB soon?


55. As at 31/03/2009. Source: Fidelity, NAV to NAV, in denominated currency and distributions are re-invested.


56. Yankee Bond Foreign bonds denominated in U.S. Dollars and issued in the United States by foreign banks and corporations.


57. A bond issued on the domestic capital market by a foreign borrower and denominated in the domestic currency. These bonds have ...


58. Analysed by currency, Hong Kong dollar denominated loans increased marginally, while foreign currency loans declined moderately in January.


59. checks, credit transfers and direct debits can be denominated in them;


60. Japan's foreign exchange reserves consist mainly of securities and deposits denominated in foreign currencies, International Monetary Fund reserve positions, IMF special drawing rights and gold.


61. An enterprises that holds cash on hand and cash in bank denominated in foreign currencies should record transactions denominated in foreign currencies and their restated amounts in Renminbi.


62. To take or mail abroad through postal services certificates of foreign exchange deposit and securities denominated in foreign currencies without authorization of the exchange administration agencies;


63. Foreign exchange insurance funds in these Measures refer to the aggregate capital, common reserve, undistributed profit, reserves and guarantee deposits received by an insurance company that are denominated in foreign exchange.


64. Foreign exchange as referred to in the regulations includes means of payments and assets denominated in foreign currency for international settlement as the following


65. Characters and geological age of conodont fauna from denominated section of Benxi Formation


66. Europe is the borrower in the bond markets outside the country issued to a third country currency denominated international bonds.


67. Eurobond A bond that is denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which it is issued.


68. The Euromarket, which is defined as a market where financial i truments traded are denominated in currencies other than the currency of the country where the market is located.


69. Eurobond: A Eurobond is a bond denominated in a currency other than that of the country in which it is issued.


70. Funds deposited in a bank when those funds are denominated in a currency differing from the bank's own domestic currency.


71. This clearing capability will allow products traded on the securities and derivatives markets of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing to be denominated and cleared in US dollars.


72. Samurai Bond A yen denominated bond that is issued in Tokyo by a non-Japanese company.


73. Note (2): Deposited fund denominated in US dollar will be exchanged into Hong Kong dollar according to the exchange rate on the date of receipt.


74. Do not suppose, however, that this will be easy.Most of the country's loans and mortgages are denominated in dollars, whereas the incomes which must service those debts are mainly in pesos.


75. Bulldog Bond A sterling denominated bond that is issued in London by a company that is not British.


76. Devotion Commodities fits all your needs. From Organic, Rain Forest, Fair Trade, Bird Friendly to Single Origin coffees denominated Specialty coffee and / or Exotic Coffee, Devotion does it all.


77. Looking ahead, transactions denominated in the renminbi will probably increase, as capital account liberalisation on the Mainland proceeds in earnest.


78. Create financial assets denominated in the SDR to increase its appeal. The introduction of SDR-denominated securities, which is being studied by the IMF, will be a good start.


79. The third phase, covering US dollar paper cheque clearing and the RTGS interface with the Central Moneymarkets Unit for settling US dollar denominated debt securities, will be launched before Christmas.


80. The fourth element is to strengthen Hong Kongs ability to handle financial transactions denominated in the renminbi in anticipation of the rising role of the renminbi as an international currency.
