


美式发音: [ˈdentɪst] 英式发音: ['dentɪst]






1.牙科医生a person whose job is to take care of people's teeth

2.牙科诊所a place where a dentist sees patients

an appointment at the dentist's牙科诊所的门诊预约


n.1.someone whose job is to examine and treat peoples teeth. You can refer to the place where a dentist works as the dentist or the dentists

1.牙医 Canada 加拿大 Dentist 牙医 Dent 齿轮的齿 ...

2.牙科医生 74 fever n. 发烧,发热,热病 77 dentist n. 牙科医生 78 should conj. 应该,将要 ...

3.牙科医师 Ophthalmolgist 眼科医师 Dentist 牙科医师 Dermatologist 皮肤科医师 ...

4.牙医师 dentinoma 牙质瘤 dentist 牙医师 dentistry 牙科学 ...

5.牙医生 森林密码 Treekey 牙医生 Dentist 法贝儿 Biolane ...

6.牙医家 circusparade: 马戏团表演 dentist: 牙医家 phonering-15s: 电话铃声-15秒 ...


1.Nobody shouted at me for parking my bike, but nobody paid me for going to the dentist either.没有人会在我停自行车时冲我大喊,不过也没有人在我看牙医时还付给我工钱。

2.How much did your trip to the dentist cost?你到牙医那边晃一圈花了多少钱?

3.She had an appointment to see the dentist, but chickened out at the last moment.她约好了要去看牙医,但最后一刻却因胆怯而退缩了。

4.My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth. and he had tell me to rest for a while.我的牙科医生刚刚给我拨了一颗牙齿,并且让我休息一小会儿。

5.Let me take a look. No wonder it hurts! One of your teeth looks decayed. You'd better see a dentist right away.让我看一看。难怪疼呀!你有颗牙齿坏了。最好马上去看牙医。

6.Dentist begging the patient: Could you help me? Could you give out a few of your loudest, most painful screams?医生求病人:帮帮忙好吗?你能最大声最痛苦地尖叫几声吗?。

7.And I've got to go back to the dentist. Again. One crown to fit, and a possible extraction, which sounds less painful than it actually is.我又要去看牙医了~~~一个牙齿的齿冠要修补一下,说不定可能要拔掉,真要操作起来肯定没有说说的这么轻松~~~。

8.The dentist returned, drying his hands. "Go to bed, " he said, "and gargle with salt water. "牙医走回来,边擦干手边说:“上床去,喝点盐水漱口。”

9.All come determined to be happy, with the kind of grim resolve with which one determines not to make a fuss at the dentist's .大家来时都打定了主意要寻欢作乐,仿佛咬紧牙齿,决意不要在牙医生那里大惊小怪一般。

10."It'll have to come out immediately , " said the dentist , taking hold of his drill.“我需要马上把它拔出来”牙医抓着他的钻孔机说道。