



美式发音: [dɪˈrɪvətɪv] 英式发音: [dɪ'rɪvətɪv]




复数:derivatives  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.derivative asset



n.offshoot,byproduct,spinoff,result,end product




adj.1.something that is derivative is not very interesting or impressive because it is based on something else instead of being original

n.1.something that has developed or been obtained from something else2.a word that is formed from another word, for example an adverb that is formed from an adjective by adding “-ly3.a type of investment that will gain in value if the price of a product changes in an expected way

1.衍生工具 derivative contract 衍生工具合约 derivatives 衍生工具 digital signature 数码签署 ...

2.衍生性金融商品 Depositor 存款人 Derivatives 衍生产品 Direct insure 直接保险人 ...

5.衍生物其中衍生物(Derivatives)是如今最为活跃、最为繁荣、灵活多变、应 用很广的金融手段。衍生物合约一般是双边合同,根据该合 …

6.衍生品衍生品交易 ? 衍生品derivatives)交易是指从基础资 衍生品( ) 产(underlying assets)的交易(商品、 )的交易(商品、 …

7.金融衍生品金融衍生品(derivatives)是华尔街制造的“魔鬼”呢,还是中性无辜的金融工具?摩根大通中国区主席李小加在2008年末的《财经 …

8.金融衍生工具金融衍生工具(Derivatives)是相对基础工具(Underlying Goods)而言的,若将基础产品看成是基本建筑材料,则金融衍生产品是用这 …


1.Regulators said Deutsche Bank's local securities unit would not be able to trade shares and derivatives on its own account from April.监管机构表示,自4月份起,德意志银行的当地证券部门将不再能够用自己的账户交易股票与衍生品。

2.He also claims to have been the largest options trader in the City when the bank started handpng futures, options, and derivatives.他还称,自从银行开始期货、期权和衍生产品交易后,自己一直是伦敦城最大的期权交易商。

3.Sujit Kapadia of the Bank of England is trying to model the web of interdependencies created by the use of complex derivatives.英格兰银行的苏吉特·卡帕迪亚正致力于给复杂的金融衍生品所产生的相互依存网络建立模型。

4.It involved foopshness and loss but it did not invapdate the internet any more than this upheaval invapdates credit derivatives.互联网泡沫中有愚蠢和损失,但它对互联网的破坏程度怎么都比不上此次剧变对信用衍生品的破坏。

5.Bear Stearns had been helped in March for fear of chaos in derivatives markets, in which it was a leading player as a prime broker.三月份帮助贝尔斯登是因为担心衍生品市场的混乱,因为贝尔斯登作为一个主要经纪人是衍生品市场的领军人物。

6.Nor did they depend on an excessive deference to financial markets or to derivatives, which had mercifully not been invented.他们也没有过度依赖金融市场或衍生品——幸运的是,当时尚未发明。

7.Derivatives and securitisation, which have been at the heart of the firestorm in finance, have also been hugely beneficial.一直处于金融危机中心的衍生品和证券化,也是非常有益的创新。

8.But it is not the only exchange morphing into a derivatives shop.但并非只有这一家交易所正逐渐演变为兜售衍生产品的店铺。

9.All this, to boot, at the bank heralded as equity-derivatives house of the year by the Banker magazine in 2007.这样的事情发生在法国兴业,这家刚被《银行家》杂志评为“年度第一证券衍生产品经营机构”的银行,就更说不过去了。

10.From the synthesis of morphine and acetic anhydride derivatives of heroin history, so far, heroin still known as the "King of Drugs. "从吗啡与乙酐合成其衍生物海洛因的历史,到目前为止,海洛因仍被号称“毒品之王”。