


美式发音: [ˈdɜrmɪs] 英式发音: [ˈdɜː(r)mɪs]





1.真皮the skin


n.1.[Anatomy]Same as derma2.the thick sensitive layer of skin that is just below the epidermis. It contains blood, the ends of the nerves, blood vessels, and sweat glands.

1.真皮荷尔蒙影响有关,分为表皮型(epidermis)、真皮型(dermis),或介于这两者的面斑型;如果使用美白产品一段时间后仍无效, …

4.真皮区 风格分 Style 真皮区 Dermis 热卖款 Hot ...

5.真皮系列 brand |保罗骑士 Dermis |真皮系列 How |价格分类 ...

6.真皮组织),培养时间约需2-3 周,且尚无法以体外方式培养真皮组织dermis),这類方法耗时昂贵而且成功率不高。


1.As with the laser freckle acid, its treatment principle is to remove the face of that layer of the dermis long spot.果酸祛斑跟激光一样,它的治疗原理是去掉脸上长斑的那层真皮。

2.Customer unusual happiness, he said that China's leather belt was really too cheap, we happy might buy the such good dermis.客户非常的高兴,他说中国的皮带真是太便宜了,我们非常地高兴可以买到这么好的真皮。

3.Cancer isn't the only problem associated with UV exposure. UVA damage to the dermis is the main factor in premature skin aging.癌症并不是紫外线暴晒仅有的一种问题,UVA对真皮的伤害是皮肤过早老化的主要因素。

4.The dermis is composed of elastic fibers, elastic fibers form of chondroitin is an important material.而真皮是由富有弹性的纤维组成,软骨素就是构成弹性纤维的重要物质。

5.The skin quapty around the knee region includes hairlessness, relatively thin dermis and thin adipose layer.膝部附近皮肤的特性有毛少、较薄的真皮及脂肪层。

6.Collagens are a group of proteins in the dermis, the connective tissue layer of the skin, and are responsible for the strength of skin.胶原是真皮里的一组蛋白,是皮肤的结缔组织层,并形成了皮肤的韧性。

7.Bundles of tough fibers that give the skin its elasticity, firmness and strength help make up the dermis. Blood vessels and nerves are here.成束的纤维有助于皮肤具有弹性、坚固性以及韧性。血管和神经末梢正在此处。

8.Objective: Our aims were to provide method of making de-cellular dermis matrix and to confirm the feasibipty of complex graft.前言:目的:探讨制作脱细胞真皮基质的方法及其与自体皮复合移植的可行性。

9.This highly dendritic cell of the dermis possesses phenotypic characteristics of macrophages, including strong HLA-DR expression.这些大的树突状细胞具有巨噬细胞表型特征,包括强烈的HLA-DR表达。

10.Alternatively, the dermis can be enzymatically dissociated to provide a suspension of fibroblasts.另外,真皮可提供酶解分离暂停成纤维细胞。