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na.René Descartes笛卡儿



na.1.Descartes , René Descartes笛卡儿


4.迪卡儿 ... B、数据库管理系统( DataBase Management System,DBMS) 笛卡儿积Descartes) 关系模式( Rel…

7.笛卡儿镇最终为了纪念这伟大的法国科学家,於一九六七年直接改称「笛卡儿镇(Descartes))约克翰‧笛卡儿(Joachim Descartes)与贵族出 …


1.Assuredly, in Descartes' time there was no one unaware of these laws, of course.确实地,在笛卡尔的时代,没有人不知道这些法则,这是当然的。

2.It is strange that, prior to Descartes, the question of knowledge had never been raised.耐人寻味的,笛卡尔以前,知识的问题从未被提出过。

3.So there's a bit of a nice irony here that Hume who all these philosophers in this period is probably most opposed to Descartes.这里具有讽刺意味的是,休谟以及那个时代所有的哲人们,几乎都反对笛卡尔的观点。

4.Thus all empirical knowledge must be disregarded, Descartes argued, as it cannot be proved to be true.于是,笛卡尔提出,所有经验性的知识必须被抛弃,因为它不能被证明是真实的。

5.How could you possibly prove to yourself that you are not in the kind of nightmarish situation Descartes describes?你如何能够向自己证明自己不是处于笛卡尔所形容的那种噩梦般的境况中呢?

6.Ok, so that helps to explain, why Gapleo was such an important figure, had a great influence on Descartes as well.这就解释了为什么伽利略地位如此重要,同时对笛卡尔也产生了深远的影响。

7.A much better way was suggested by Rene Descartes, who introduced the subject of analytic geometry (also known as Cartesian geometry). R.笛卡儿提出了一种好得多的办法,并建立了解析几何(也称为笛卡儿几何)这个学科。

8.No! Descartes thought that mind whose essence is thinking is made of immaterial substance but Hobbes would have non of that.不是,笛卡尔认为思维的精髓,在于思考,是非物质的,但是霍布斯却不这么认为。

9.The narrator of Descartes' Meditations concludes that none of his former opinions are safe.笛卡尔《第一哲学沉思录》中的叙述者推断说,他之前所有的想法中没有一个是可靠的。

10.So, Descartes would walk around the French Royal Gardens and the French Royal Gardens were set up pke a seventeenth-century Disneyland.当然,笛卡尔在法国的皇家花园里散步,法国皇家花园建筑得就象十七世纪的迪斯尼。