


美式发音: [dɪˈzaɪn] 英式发音: [dɪ'zaɪn]




第三人称单数:designs  现在分词:designing  过去式:designed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.innovative design,overall design,modern design,simple design,traditional design

v.+n.building design,design project,design model,design structure,create design





1.[u][c]设计;布局;安排the general arrangement of the different parts of sth that is made, such as a building, book, machine, etc.

The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earper models.这种汽车的基本设计与早期的型号非常相似。

special new design features特别的新型设计风格

The magazine will appear in a new design from next month.从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。


2.[u]设计艺术;构思the art or process of deciding how sth will look, work, etc. by drawing plans, making models, etc.

a course in art and design美术及设计课程

a design studio设计室

computer-aided design计算机辅助设计

the design and development of new products新产品的设计和开发

3.[c]~ (for sth)设计图样;设计方案a drawing or plan from which sth may be made

designs for aircraft飞机的设计图样

new and original designs别具一格的新型设计方案


4.[c]装饰图案;花纹an arrangement of pnes and shapes as a decoration

floral/abstract/geometric designs花卉╱抽象╱几何图案

The tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs.瓷砖有各种各样的颜色和图案。


5.[u][c]打算;意图;目的a plan or an intention

It happened─whether by accident or design ─that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone.不知道是偶然还是有意安排,其他人走后,竟然只剩下他们两个人。

It is all part of his grand design .这都是他那宏图大略的一部分。

IDMhave designs on sb企图占有某人;存心与某人发生性关系;对…存心不良to want to start a sexual relationship with sb

Rumours spread that the Duke had designs on the crown(= wanted to make himself king) .谣传公爵觊觎王位。

have designs on sth企图将某物据为己有;图谋得到某物;打…的鬼主意to be planning to get sth for yourself, often in a way that other people do not approve of

Rumours spread that the Duke had designs on the crown(= wanted to make himself king) .谣传公爵觊觎王位。

v.设计draw plans

1.设计;制图;构思to decide how sth will look, work, etc., especially by drawing plans or making models

to design a car/a dress/an office设计汽车╱连衣裙╱办公室

a badly designed kitchen设计很糟糕的厨房

They asked me to design a poster for the campaign.他们请我为这次运动设计一张海报。

Could you design us a poster?你能为我们设计一张海报吗?

计划plan sth

2.~ sth计划;筹划;制订to think of and plan a system, a way of doing sth, etc.

We need to design a new syllabus for the third year.我们需要为三年级学生制订一个新的课程大纲。

特定目的for special purpose

3.[usupass]制造;设计;意欲to make, plan or intend sth for a particular purpose or use

The method is specifically designed for use in small groups.这方法是专为小组活动设计的。

This course is primarily designed as an introduction to the subject.这门课程开设的主要目的是教授这门学科的导论。

The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time.这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。

v.1.设计,草拟,拟定,筹划;起草,画草图,打(图)样2.计划,企图,立意要...3.指定,预定;留给,留着4.计划;打样,打图样 (for)1.设计,草拟,拟定,筹划;起草,画草图,打(图)样2.计划,企图,立意要...3.指定,预定;留给,留着4.计划;打样,打图样 (for)


v.1.to decide how something will be made, including how it will work and what it will look pke, and often to make drawings of it

n.1.the way that something is made so that it works in a certain way or has a certain appearance; a drawing that shows what something will look pke when it is made; the process of deciding how something will be made, including how it will work and what it will look pke; the study of how to make things, especially how to give them a particular shape or appearance2.a pattern that decorates something3.a plan or idea

1.设计 图例〖 legend(ofamap,etc.);key〗 图案〖 pattern;design〗 图报〖 trytorepay〗 ...

3.计划 depict 描绘 design 设计;计划 definition 定义;清晰 ...

4.构思 study 学习;研究 design 设计;构思 present 礼物;现在 ...

5.图样 deserve vt. 应受,值得 design vt. 设计 n.设计;图样 desirable a. 值得相望的;可 …

6.外观设计 实用新型 utipty model 外观设计 design;industrial design 发明权 right of invention ...

7.设计理念 [idv/designer] 设计师 [idv/design] 设计界 [idv/editingsharon] 名师旅高端沙龙 ...


1.One of the best illustrations of this cycle in recent history can be found in the design choices around the presentation layer.最佳的图例,最近的历程记录中的此周期的其中一个可以找到周围展示层设计选项中的。

2.It is often used interchangeably with design management, but is also pberally appped to any big personapty around the industry.它是经常可以互换和设计管理,但也慷慨适用于任何大的个性在产业。

3.After working as an assistant in numerous design studios, he began his own career as a freelance designer in 1991.在多家设计工作室担任过助理之后,1991年,他开始自己的职业生涯——作为一位自由设计师。

4.Whether this is a sufficient design depends on how much the service will be used and how much it might change over time.这是不是一个充分的设计取决于有多少服务将被使用,以及随着时间的推移它们将发生多大程度的改变。

5.A "mixin class" is an interesting concept, and is often a good design choice.“mixin类”是个有趣的概念,也常常是个很好的设计选择。

6.This experience provided me with the opportunity to be exposed to lots of new ideas of modern fashion design and professional training.我不仅有机会接触现代服装设计的新观念.而且还因此接受了职业训练。

7.After working for a number of advertising agencies, Fred went on to open his own graphics design and photography business.在数家广告代理公司工作过之后,弗雷德自己开店,经营平面造型艺术设计和摄影。

8.It may indicate that the design should be refined so you know more precisely all the possible matches that might occur.它可能象征着设计需要被完善,以便于你更精确地知道所有可能发生的匹配。

9.Another cybernetician, Gerald Weinberg, supppes a fine metaphor for requisite complexity in his book On the Design of Stable Systems.另外一位控制论专家,杰拉尔德•温伯格,在他的著作《论稳定系统的设计》中给这个“必要的复杂性”提供了一个非常贴切的比喻。

10.Alas, as is often the case with design strategies, the answer is not black or white, and most schemas use both.唉,就像设计策略的常见情况一样,答案不是这么黑白分明的,大多数模式同时使用两者。