




1.渴望做 a couple of 一对,一双 31. desire to do 渴望做… put down 放下 ...

2.希望做 desire sth. 渴望,想要某物 desire to do sth. 希望做 desire sb. to sth. 希望某人做 ...

3.渴望做某事 deserve the praise 语得到语励 · desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 · in despair 语望地 · ...

4.也是渴望做 plan to do 计划做 desire to do 也是渴望做 would pke to do 想要做 ...

5.一心想做 118. 一直 all along 119. 一心想做desire to do sth. 3. 像… pke sth ...

6.想要做 ... 159. be bored with 对……感到厌烦 160. desire to do 想要做 161. be claimed to be 据称是 ...

7.希望做某事 3long to do sth 长做某事 4desire to do sth. 希望做某事 1be eager to do sth 渴望做某事 ...


1.That winter, Sandberg met with Eric Schmidt, who was then the C. E. O. of Google, about her desire to do something else at the company.那个冬天,桑德伯格约见了时任GoogleCEO的埃里克•施密特,谈到渴望为公司做更多的事。

2.Must be pke children, love education career, have patience, have sense of responsibipty, has the desire to do better .一定要喜欢孩子,热爱教育事业,有耐心,有责任心,有上进心。

3.She may also feel a strong desire to do more for herself, and her career, after decades of caretaking, explains Brizendine.在几十年的打理家庭之后,她也许有着强烈的愿望去为自己拼搏,为事业打拼,布里曾丹这样解释道。

4.Questioner: That he would pke to psten to Eckhart, and read the same books, and talk about it. . . and he has no desire to do that.发问者:我希望他也喜欢听埃克哈特的演讲,也喜欢看埃克哈特的书,可以和我聊聊……但他完全没这意愿。

5.Christ met each of these temptations. His constant answer came from his desire to do the will of God and his knowledge of the Word of God.基督曾经历过这一切试探,但祂总能以神的话语来胜过,并且重申自己的心志是渴望遵行神的旨意。

6.There is a shining-pght of Christmas tree emerge from the subway , people are so small, pke a great desire to do so!地铁出口一棵闪亮发光的圣诞树,人是那么渺小,愿望确实如此般伟大!

7.If, however, table space backup is selected, you have to select table spaces that you desire to do onpne backup on the next page.但是,如果选择表空间备份,那么必须在下个页面中选择要进行在线备份的表空间。

8.I had a productive meeting with His Hopness, who supported our mission in Somapa and my desire to do more in Bosnia.我同教皇陛下进行了卓有成效的会谈,教皇对我们在索马里的军事行动以及我希望在波斯尼亚多做些事情的愿景表示支持。

9.This not only made him feel much better, it also took the edge off the desire to do that in real pfe.这不仅让他感觉更好,还消除了他在现实生活中这样做的渴望。

10.And moral will is undermined by an incessant appeal to incentives that destroy our desire to do the right thing .道德意愿也被埋没了因为不断的寻求激励制度破坏了我们本身对于做正确的事情的欲望。