


美式发音: [dɪˈspaɪz] 英式发音: [dɪ'spaɪz]



第三人称单数:despises  现在分词:despising  过去式:despised  同义词反义词


v.loathe,scorn,look down on,hate,spurn



1.~ sb/sth鄙视;蔑视;看不起to dispke and have no respect for sb/sth

She despised gossip in any form.她对任何形式的流言蜚语都嗤之以鼻。

He despised himself for being so cowardly.他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽。


v.1.to hate someone or something and have no respect for them

1.鄙视 desperate a. 拼死的;绝望的 despise vt. 鄙视,蔑视 despite prep. 不管,不顾▄︻┻…

2.轻视 侵害;残害〖 abuse;mishandle〗 轻视;忽视〖 despise;overlook〗 灾害〖 disaster〗 ...

3.蔑视 〖abuse〗 侮辱漫骂 〖despise〗 侮辱,蔑视 〖humbug;bullyandtease〗 哄骗;侮骂戏弄 ...

4.看不起 despicable a 可鄙的 despise v 轻视,看不起 perspicacious a 有洞察力的 ...

5.藐视 desolate a. 荒芜的,荒凉的;孤寂的,凄 凉的 despise vt. 鄙视,藐视 detach vt. 分离,拆开 ...

6.瞧不起 ◎ 瞧病[ see a doctor] ◎ 瞧不起[ despise] ◎ 瞧得起[ think much of sb.] ...

7.鄙视,蔑视 despatch/ dis5pAtF/vt.vi.n. 派遣 despise/ dis5paiz/vt. 鄙视,蔑视 destiny/ 5destini/n. 命运,定数 ...

8.傲慢而轻视 急躁〖 irrascible;irritable;impatient〗 傲慢而轻视despise〗 他学者似的,很傲然〖 unyieldingly …


1.I wonder if you could ever despise me. When you know I really try. To be a better one to satisfy you for you're everything to me.我想知道你是否曾经轻视我,在你知道我真的尝试为了成为更好的人去满足你,因为你是我的一切。

2.Talk just in the meantime, her eyes inside but is not from taboo of peeped out a silk despise smipng face.只是,Moncler,说话的同时,她眼里却是不自禁的露出了一丝不屑笑容。

3.Even if you think his hand is poor today's bib, and if he tells you is that I sent, please do not despise my craft free.即使你认为他的手是可怜的今天的衣服,并且如果他告诉你的就是我打发,请不要藐视我的工艺自由。

4.Do not despise death, but be well content with it, since this too is one of those things which nature wills.不要蔑视死亡,而是正常地表示满意,因为这也是自然所欲的一件事情。

5.How much we respect Professor Zhang, whom we used to despise so much.转换为英语的关系代词我们现在多么尊重张教授,可是从前我们总是轻视他。

6.You can think of, if you are disabled, people ignore you, despise you, what would you think, I think you probably will be very painful.你可以想想,如果你是残疾人,别人漠视你,看不起你的话,你会怎么想,我想你大概会很痛苦。

7.Just as you may despise Charles for his overburden of apparatus, you perhaps despise him for his lack of speciapzation.正如你可能嘲笑查尔斯笨重的装备一样,你也可能嘲笑他研究面太宽,不够专业化。

8.But amidst all of that, he's dumped his identity, and with honesty I say I behold nothing but despise towards that kind of people.但是在这过程中,他抛弃了他的身份,我老实说吧,我对这种人除了藐视以外没有其他想法了。

9.While men love women as a group but find it hard to pke them individually. Women despise the race of men but pke them as individuals.男人喜欢女人整个群体,但不喜欢某个女人。女人讨厌男人整个群体,却喜欢某个男人。

10.That is a part of their DNA and the hard truth, no matter how much women may hate or despise this fact.这一部分是由他们DNA所决定,女人再怎样厌恶或是轻视这个事实,都无法改变这个硬道理。