



[ devising ]

vt.设计, 发明, 遗赠n.遗赠, 遗赠的不动产


And no sooner had Joan, his handsome, shallow-minded wife, the easy-going mother of his many children, heard of her exalted estate than her romantic soul began secretly to devise a brilliant and fitting alliance for her beautiful young daughter.


He devises a new type of transistor.


The government devised a scheme for redeveloping the city center.



形容词: devisable | 名词: deviser | 动词过去式: devised | 动词过去分词: devised | 动词现在分词: devising | 动词第三人称单数: devises |



形容词: devisable | 名词: deviser | 动词过去式: devised | 动词过去分词: devised | 动词现在分词: devising | 动词第三人称单数: devises |


名词 devising:

the act that results in something coming to be

同义词:fashioning, making

动词 devise:

come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort

同义词:invent, contrive, devise, excogitate, formulate, forge

arrange by systematic planning and united effort

同义词:organize, organise, prepare, devise, get up, machinate

give by will, especially real property



1. If you have been foolish, exalting yourself, or if you have been devising evil, put your hand on your mouth.


2. Therefore thus says Jehovah, I am now devising evil against this family, From which you will not remove your necks;And you will not go about haughtily, For it is an evil time.


3. Whoever plans to do evil will be called a mischief-maker. The devising of folly is sin, and the scoffer is an abomination to all.


4. The devising of folly is sin, And the scorner is an abomination to men.


5. Anjali Devi Adrushtavanthudu, Download Adrushtavanthudu, Sridevi Adrushtavanthudu.Adam Marcus Black Autumn, Black Autumn, Christine Roum Black Autumn.

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6. Sridevi Adrushtavanthudu, Adrushtavanthudu, Anjali Devi Adrushtavanthudu.Michael Apted Black Autumn, Black Autumn, Paul D.Austerberry Black Autumn.

Hulki Saner Analarin g眉nahi, Download Analarin g眉nahi, T眉rkan Soray Analarin g眉nahi.



8. Sridevi Adrushtavanthudu, Adrushtavanthudu, Anjali Devi Adrushtavanthudu.Adam Marcus Black Autumn, Download Black Autumn movie, Mike Medavoy Black Autumn.

Meng眉 Yegin Analarin g眉nahi, Download Analarin g眉nahi, Turgud 脰ren Analarin g眉nahi.

9. Anjali Devi Adrushtavanthudu, Adrushtavanthudu, Sridevi Adrushtavanthudu.Mike Medavoy Black Autumn, movie Black Autumn, Adam Marcus Black Autumn.

Reha Yurdakul Analarin g眉nahi, Download Analarin g眉nahi movie, Turgud 脰ren Analarin g眉nahi.

10. The word "geometry" literally means "earth-measuring" and the Greek Eratosthenes, who lived around 230 BC, applied geometrical ideas in devising one of the earliest estimates of the radius of the earth.

“几何”一词的字面意思是“地球的测量”。 生活在公元前230年左右的埃拉托色尼运用几何原理,成为最早测出地球周长的人之一。

11. One day, while stroking his feet, Sarada Devi asked the Master, "What do you think of me?


12. Devi assolutamente smetterla di frequentare quel ragazzo!!!


13. Nevertheless, fear dwelled in Devi's heart. Every day, she would make offerings to the ghost before each meal, and Lahuve was very curious about her behavior.


14. To give positive recognition to good management and maintenance, we will explore the possibility of devising a voluntary building classification scheme.


15. Fig.a.Hanso Devi says she and her family have nowhere else to go.Fig.b.


16. To avoid harming the immune system , researchers are devising a method of genetically engineering cells to produce different vaccines within the body over time.


17. This year, they are all the wiser and are devising boundaries that are conducive to their purpose.


18. From the processor"s point of view, memory-mappedv I/O devices look very much like memory devi Dating ces.


19. They are devising a road system.


20. He was forever experimenting and devising tests to probe the mystery of things.


21. Ignoring a clunky numerical system and devising his own, he demonstrated the nature of infinity and calculated a value for pi.


22. He was entirely agreeable to the Staffs collaborating with the object of devising joint cover and deception schemes.


23. He is apt at devising means .


24. He busies himself with stirring up dissension and deception, and he is always devising evil.


25. He is devising how to do that thing.


26. In devising tactics for battles, he paid close attention to the particular circumstances.


27. Quanto devi al mio padrone? Quello rispose: Cento bati d’olio. Egli disse: Prendi la tua scritta, siedi, e scrivi presto: Cinquanta.


28. "I believe that all success begins with spreading your WINGS -- beileving in your worth, trusting your insight, nurturing yourself, have a goal and devising a personal strategy.


29. Wood was obsessive about the game, dragging his team out for more practices than any other team and devising complicated strategies over the summer to inflict on his players in the fall.


30. Theory ,practice,organizing,devising of accounting;Finance,cost management,analyzing,mating desicion ;Auditing theory and practice;Training and instruction of finance,cost,accounting,auditing trainting.


31. But devising incentives to encourage people to save more is a high priority, and the officials said they wanted to explore approaches that would not make much of a dent in Federal revenues, at least for some years.


32. But if many different companies will be writing applications for your hardware, and especially if many hardware companies are making similar devices, devising a suitable naming scheme is difficult.


33. The task of devising food for local palates has moved centre stage for the world's largest fast food chain as it ex-pands into emerging markets such as Chi-na.


34. According to Roger Lowenstein, the author of When Genius Failed, "the younger Merton . . . showed a knack for devising systematic approaches to whatever he tackled.


35. Kiani Maryam: "You just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It's all built in within you. Allow it to work out." -- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


36. Using a notation system discussed in class or one of your own devising, make a structural map of your longer sonic event.


37. Jobs has a longstanding strategy of devising new ways to access and pay for quality content, instead of reinventing the content.


38. If pass the iteration to devising plan to discuss beforehand, can avoid to appear similar problem.


39. Devising technology of optical fiber vibration sensing head


40. Dominating the scene is Nanda Devi, India's second-highest peak.


41. The details appear to hold a key to devising treatments for anxiety, pain, nausea, obesity, brain injury and many other medical problems.


42. Other names are: Bhowani Devi, Sati, Rudrani, Parvati, Chinnamastika, Kamakshi, Uma, Menakshi, Himavati, Kumari.


43. At last bring up an idea that fulfill ABCM by ERP, mainly including that establishing the relations between cost motive and products cost, devising proper accounts and accounting procedure.


44. Given its inherent curiosity, even the simplest mind will exhaust itself devising solutions to challenges it confronts.


45. Russian-born American economist. He won a1973 Nobel Prize for devising the input-output technique of economic analysis.


46. Creating, communicating and managing brand image is a relatively new concept for Chinese companies whose main experience with branding to date involves devising a logo and a catchy slogan.


47. Kali is the fierce aspect of Devi, God's energy, i. E., Shakti or God as the Divine Mother, who is fundamental to all other Hindu deities.


48. Kali is the fierce aspect of Devi, God's energy, i.e., Shakti or God as the Divine Mother, who is fundamental to all other Hindu deities.


49. Rajo Devi, a 70-year-old Indian woman, recently gave birth to a baby girl, also her 1st child, after receiving IVF treatment.Devi was considered the world's oldest new mom.


50. Poi disse ad un altro: E tu, quanto devi? Quello rispose: Cento cori di grano. Egli disse: Prendi la tua scritta, e scrivi: Ottanta.


51. the act of devising something.


52. Instantaneously was born his wife, Yasodhara Devi, his horse Kantaka, his charioteer Chandaka, Ananda, his chief disciple, and the Bo Tree, under which he received Enlightenment.

同时诞生的还有佛陀的妻子娅索哈拉 - 德维,他的坐骑坎塔卡,他的伺奉者常达卡,他的主要弟子阿南达,以及佛陀在其下开悟的菩提树。

53. Devising Skills of Synchro-sequential Logic Circuit


54. question - devising principle


55. Businesses and other organizations have their own requirements for products, services, and systems, which should also be modeled and considered when devising design solutions.


56. Understanding the factors that affect the durability of resistance and devising strategies to increase durability have been primary goals in plant pathology research over the last 50 years.


57. In a letter to the Duke he describes all the things he can do in the way of engineering, designing mechanical de vices and weapons and playing music on instruments of his own devising.


58. Such points must also be considered when devising the mode of instruction.


59. The genes join a long list of contaminants being found in water, posing a challenge for devising an effective means of treatment.


60. Hanso Devi looks around as night falls. She will spend another night in the open with nothing to keep her warm but a small fire.


61. She was not in the habit of devising falsehoods.


62. She inherited her mother's gift for devising drapery and costume.


63. VOICE: Her research has involved devising preventative measures for leprosy, and cures for cancer.


64. Several groups of researchers are now devising approaches to prevent such microbes from hijacking dendritic cells; some are even seeking to use supercharged dendritic cells to fight the infections.


65. The essence of good interaction design is devising interactions that achieve the goals of the manufacturer or service provider and their partners without violating the goals of users.


66. As Burns's story illustrates, the greatest challenge in devising labs-on-chips may be moving the liquids onboard with as little power as possible.


67. Wife Indira Devi says life with two husbands isn't easy.


68. Principal-agent problem: is the problem of devising compensation rules that induce an agent to act in the best interests of a principal.


69. Confucius: Well, let us see how our Divine Mother, the Adi Shakti Nirmala Devi talked about Tao in Beijing in 1995.


70. They are brilliant in devising tricks, but there is no telling them what trick to work on next.


71. These references are not just inessential vestiges of the initially intersubjective character of language, capable of being weeded out by devising an artificially subjective language for sense data.


72. It can be used for devising systems to protect against frost damage.


73. The scope and function of Zongpu go beyond the mere devising of tables of descent of its clan members.


74. The experimental results validated the validity of theoretical analyses and proposed a foundation to devising and studying the high frequency discharge power supplies for ozonizer.


75. Experiment proved that the detecting results indicated the performance of percussive device completely.It isimportant to research and modify the structure of percussive devi...


76. Humans have shown extreme inventiveness in devising clothing solutions to practical problems and the distinction between clothing and other protective equipment is not always clear-cut.


77. What are the most serious impediments to devising and implementing more effective environmental policies for coping with the problems you described?


78. The imitation of living systems, be it direct or indirect, is very useful for devising machines, hence the rapid development of bionics.


79. The EC key technology which has been researched above applied to 8848 e_Marketplace?s analyzing, devising and developing.

将上面所研究的电子商务的关键技术应用到8848 e_Marketplace的分析、设计与开发之中。

80. Bush is at odds with Devis over California energy crisis.
