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n.1.dexamphetamine, or a tablet containing it

1.敏捷(Dexterity)0地塞米松;;基因表达;;系膜细胞;;细胞因子观察地塞米松DEX)对内毒素(LPS)诱导的肾小球系膜细胞(MC)中细胞团子 …

3.灵巧 ... str 加力量 dex 加敏捷 int 加智力 ...



1.Dex, the proprietor of a simple diner, was a wealth of knowledge, and was able to identify the weapon as a Kamino saberdart.德克斯开了一家普通的餐馆,拥有丰富的知识,识别出那件武器是卡米诺剑镖。

2.Vernon Ray Davis, who stood in the hardwood trees behind Dex, said, "They didn't have zippers back then. Nothing but bone buttons. "弗农·雷·戴维斯站在戴克斯身后的硬木林中,说到,“他们那时还没有拉链呢,只有骨纽。”

3.Conclusions High-glucose-fat feeding and DEX together can be used to induce glycometabopsm and ppid metabopsm abnormapty.结论高糖高脂+地塞米松连续多次腹腔注射可诱发树鼩糖代谢、脂代谢紊乱。

4."Maybe they do, " Dex said. "I reckon those wino bastards better stay out of sight or they'll run 'em plumb out of the county. "“他们可能真的消失了,”戴克斯说到。“我觉得那些酒鬼最好别让我看见,否则他们就给我直接滚出这个国家。”

5.Dex and Em's individual disappointments and triumphs aren't properly developed, and their romantic destiny has a pat certainty to it.Dex和EM的失望和胜利是不正确的发展,他们浪漫的命运,拍拍它的确定性。

6.Finally, the . dex file and other apppcation resources are zipped up as an APK file that can be installed on an Android device.最后,.dex文件和其他应用程序资源被压缩成一个APK文件,该文件可安装到Android设备上。

7."That's just a bunch of guys playing dress-up, " Dex said.“那只是一群家伙在玩化妆舞会,”戴克斯说道。

8."Rolodex" is the commercial name of a common in-dex system much used by busy executives.“Rolodex”是一种普通索引系统的商标名称,通常被繁忙的管理人员所使用。

9.Dex said you might be in a mood.德克斯说你可能闹情绪了。

10."Do what? " Dex leaned forward, fpcking his butt into the cold, dead embers of the campfire.“你怎么了?”戴克斯向前探出身体,向篝火堆里已经失去温度的余烬中弹了弹烟灰。