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网络释义:直径(diameter);国防情报局(Defense Intelpgence Agency);美国国防情报局



1.直径(diameter)直径DIA):14.00mm(平展着色14.80mm)--效果自然 基弧(BC):8.6mm --标准适中的基弧,合适更多人佩戴(基弧在8.4…

2.国防情报局(Defense Intelpgence Agency)国防情报局(dia),隶属于国防部(dod),从事外军情报活动.  国家安全局(nsa),隶属于dod,从事电子通信侦察.nsa在美军内部机构是中 …

3.美国国防情报局最后美国国防情报局DIA)关于中国最新的‘晋’级战略核潜艇的初步形成战斗力时间预测为2014年,相比2006年情报预测的4 …

4.迪亚天天家乐福拟剥离旗下迪亚天天(Dia)和家乐福房地产业务,这两个部门以及家乐福集团将在巴黎分别上市。在分拆过程中,家乐福 …

5.丹佛国际机场(Denver International Airport)从丹佛国际机场DIA)到柯林斯堡的距离大约是 69 英里(111 公里)。从机 场到 ess的机场大巴, 售票 柯林斯堡有两种方 …


1.So I thought of a solution, to build an art museum, not so far from the center, something pke the Dia: Beacon museum (in New York).所以我想到了一个解决方法,就是建一座像(纽约)迪亚毕肯艺术中心(theDia:Beaconmuseum)那样的,离市中心不是很远的美术馆。

2.The married Roy spies on his affianced neighbour Dia in her underwear and then inveigles her to lunch in order to admit as much.已婚的罗伊监视他已订婚穿着内衣的邻居Dia,然后打着请她吃午餐的旗号,让她自白。

3.Conclusion: It has no specific cpnical charactors in NVM. Echo- cardiography is the best method to dia. . .结论:心肌致密化不全临床表现无特异性,超声心动图检查是主要诊断方法,病因研究有待深入。

4.In the end Sindoora is trying to blackmail Bharat and Divya saying she will kill Dia if they try to save Amar.最后Sindoora是企图勒索巴拉特和Divya迪亚说她会杀了,如果他们试图挽救阿马尔。

5.CIFA's designation as a law enforcement activity did not transfer to DIA.CIFA作为法律执行机构的定位并未转移到国家情报局。

6.One Example of this is when she forgets baby Dia in the bath tub luckily, Amar came and saved the baby and rushed her to the hospital.其中的一个例子是,当她忘了在浴缸内幸运的孩子直径,阿马尔来了,救了孩子,赶紧把她送到了医院。

7.Mamadou Dia, head of the Senegalese water company Senegalaise des Eaux, was among the African entrepreneurs scouting for business partners.马马杜迪亚,自来水公司的负责人塞内加尔塞内加尔德水务集团,是为商业伙伴之间的球探非洲企业家。

8.Carrefour has recently introduced over 100 DIA supermarkets that cater to urban consumers looking for a place to shop close to home.为了满足市区顾客“图近”的要求,家乐福最近新开了100家在住宅附近的“直径超市”。

9.DiA: In a more general sense, what do you think of Wikileaks?迪亚:就一般意义而言,您怎么看“维基解密”?

10.Carrefour proposed a partial sale of its property in March, along with the sale of Dia, a successful Spanish hard-discount chain.家乐福建议在3月出售部分资产,其中也包括一家盈利的西班牙超级折扣连锁店Dia。