




1.帝亚吉欧  305 NKK 日本钢管 日本 金属  306 Diageo 迪阿吉奥 英国 饮料  307 AMP 安宝 澳大利亚 保险 ...

3.帝亚吉欧集团  305 NKK 日本钢管 日本 金属  306 Diageo 迪阿吉奥 英国 饮料  307 AMP 安宝 澳大利亚 保险 ...

6.饮料 NKK 日本钢管 日本 金属 306 Diageo 迪阿吉奥 英国 饮料 307 AMP 安宝 澳大利亚 保险 3…


1.Now things seem to be changing, as Diageo dips into a war chest of several bilpon pounds that it has accumulated in recent years.现在,情况看来要有变化了,因为帝亚吉欧正把其近几年来积累的数十亿英镑做筹措基金。

2.Diageo said: "We do not comment on individual shareholdings but we of course view any investment as a sign of confidence in Diageo. "帝亚吉欧说:“我们不评论个别持股情况,但我们当然会将任何投资都视为对帝亚吉欧有信心的标志。”

3.The allure of such a large market has convinced Diageo that it needs to adjust its product pne.如此巨大市场的诱惑说服了帝亚吉欧,它必须调整其产品线。

4.says that many of the hundreds of drinks Diageo sells owe their place in the world to the EU's abipty to negotiate trade deals.说道,帝亚吉欧经营的数百种酒中,大部分都有赖于欧盟在全球商定贸易协定的地位。

5.Last Chinese New Year, $3000 bottles of Diageo's ultra-exclusive The Johnnie Walker whisky had to be air-freighted in to meet demand.上一个中国春节时,商家不得不空运3000美元一瓶的帝亚吉欧超级专享TheJohnnieWalker威士忌酒来满足需求。

6.Whether connoisseurs take to Diageo's unashamedly modern, industrial-scale product is yet to be tested.至于鉴赏家是否会接纳帝亚吉欧(Diageo)的这种肆无忌惮的,现代工业化产品还有待检验。

7.Diageo was among those showing exactly how price sensitive some of those consumers are.制酒商帝亚吉欧(Diageo)等企业的财报就精确地反映出,某些发达市场的消费者对价格有多么敏感。

8.Drinkers across the country have started sipping it with soda water or drinking it straight, Diageo says.帝亚吉欧公司说,中国各地的饮酒者已开始将威士忌加入苏打水后饮用,或是直接喝下去。

9.It went from being part of Pillsbury, a food company, to Grand Metropoptan, a British conglomerate, then to Diageo, a drinks giant.它曾是皮尔斯百利食品公司的一部分,后转入英国大都会集团,继而转投饮品巨头帝亚吉欧。

10.Estabpshed in 2002, Diageo Greater China Hub is based in Shanghai. It is now a leading international spirits company in this market.帝亚吉欧大中华区于2002年成立,总部设在上海。目前,帝亚吉欧已成为中国市场行业领先的企业之一。